前往 租露營車推薦-美國,澳洲,歐洲,紐西蘭- Linda的

發布時間: 2020-07-29
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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今年夏天全家要到 請問 下面兩種保險有何不同 因為同是 [url]http://www.motorhomesworldwide.com [url]的兩家公司 所提供的保險 DRM 提供 Full comprehensive vehicle coverage with EUR 1000 deductible per damage and EUR 500 per part comprehensive damage claim. Third party liability insurance with unlimited cover for personal injury and property damage or loss. Duemo 提供 Fully comprehensive insurance insured with EUR 1,000 excess (refundable bond amunt). Refundable bond amount can be taken as a credit card imprint. Excess amount is per accident 我現在想訂Duemo 的車 請各位先進指教合適嗎?