前往 HTTP狀態碼- 維基百科,自由的
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- 1HTTP 狀態碼(Status Codes) - 線上工具
HTTP Status Codes﹑HTTP 狀態碼﹑HTTP Error﹑Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) ... 521, Web Server is D...
- 2A Complete Guide and List of HTTP Status Codes - Kinsta
521: “Web server is down.” Error 521 is a Cloudflare-specific error message. It means that your w...
- 3List of HTTP status codes - Wikipedia
The origin server returned an empty, unknown, or unexpected response to Cloudflare. 521 Web Serve...
- 4我的WordPress 網站為什麼會出現Error 521?又該如何修復?
如果主機正常運作,你會看到綠色的HTTP 200,如果沒有回應的話就會顯示Host not found。 將Cloudflare 的IP 加入防火牆白名單. 通常來說,出現Error 521 ....
- 5Example HTTP Status: 521 Web server is down (CloudFlare)
This status code is not specified in any RFCs, but is used by CloudFlare's reverse proxies to ind...
- 6HTTP狀態碼- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
HTTP狀態碼(英語:HTTP Status Code)是用以表示網頁伺服器超文字傳輸協定回應狀態的3位數字代碼。它由RFC 2616 規範定義的,並得到RFC 2518、RFC 2817、RF...