請問有人最近在曼谷辦理過印度觀光簽證嗎?曼谷的簽證代理公司答复說如果沒有泰國的居留簽證,或工作簽證,就不可以。 ear applicant, With reference to the below mail query We would like to clarify we have got the updates from Indian embassy Any non-Thai national who does not have permanent residency or work permit cannot apply any kind of visa in Thailand until further notice . Either you can apply E- visa (www.indianvisaonline.gov.in )or you need to apply in your home country . but if have resident permit here for information in (www.vfsglobal.com/india/thailand ) Best regards, India Visa Application Centre -------- VFS GLOBAL EST. 2001 | Partnering Governments. Providing Solutions. 36/28 P.S Tower, 10th Floor, Sukhumvit 21 (Asoke Road), Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel : +662 2583063 , +662 2583064 | info.inbkk@vfshelpline.com | www.vfsglobal.com