前往 廉航&傳統航空最新退票/改票規定(2020/02~2020/06期間,台灣

發布時間: 2020-07-10
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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早幾個月買了9月18-22澳門來回高雄的機票(同一訂單) 然後在4,5月的時侯收到虎航電郵說澳門->高雄去程機票由早上機改到下午機, 提供了以下四個選項 1. Change your departure date Depart within 7 days from the original departure date, and we will waive the change fee and the difference in fare. 2. Change your destination Depart within 7 days from the original departure date, and we will waive the change fee. Please note that differences in fare and/or taxes & charges apply. 3. Get a flight credit The flight credit will be valid for 6 months. 4. Get a refund Opt for a full/partial refund for the affected sector. Contact us in Taipei +886 2 5599 2555 我想問在此情況下, 我能否將整個行程由9月18-22日改到25-29日, 抑或是我只能更改出發日期(如由18-22日改到16-22日) 謝謝!