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發布時間: 2021-12-13推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
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1042-s due date 20211042 s 美股1042-s是什麼1042s 2020Unique form identifier1042-s form中文Firstrade 1042 s1042-S InstructionsForm 10421042-s退稅1042-s form用途2020 instructions for form 1042 sFile 1042 s electronically1042 vs 1042-S
- 1Form 1042-S | It's Your Yale
Why did I receive multiple copies? · Copy B: Recipient copy · Copy C: Filed with federal tax retu...
- 2收到嘉信寄來的1042-s,該如何處理
今天收到嘉信寄來的多張1042-s(foreign person's U.S. source subject to withholding,2017),各有copy B、C、D。不知道用途為何?...
- 3Form 1042-S - What's in it for a Non-US Person With US ...
Withholding agents must provide five copies of Form 1042-S. ... - Copy A should go to the IRS; Co...
- 41042-S - Division of Finance | University of Pennsylvania
Copy D to their state tax return, and Copy B is for the recipient's records. The recipient should...
- 5微圖庫稅務– 美國收入來源退稅攻略 - 方格子
收到的1042-S表通常會有Copy B、Copy C、Copy D 三張,有些圖庫會三份都提供,有些則只提供Copy B,申請退稅我都是有Copy C就用Copy C,但如果沒有C ... ...
- 61042-S Tax Form Copy B - Laser - W-2TaxForms.com
1042-S Tax Form Copy B - Laser. For foreign person's US source income subject to withholding. ...