前往 出國遇颱風,行程取消怎麼辦? - FunTime

發布時間: 2020-09-18
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您即將離開本站,並前往出國遇颱風,行程取消怎麼辦? - FunTime旅遊比價




我們一行4人,7月1O日關西機場回桃園就因台風而取消,我們是買連程票由薪千歲到大阪中轉桃園,到關西才知道停飛,捷星在約2天前有發mail,我們疏忽沒看,在此同時我們採網路check in也正常(48小時內),沒有停飛訊息. 機場櫃檯有捷星人員也有中譯人員,給了一張停飛証明,說是保險之用.然後安排後補,至於住宿、交通,因為天災他們不負責,甚至請他們幫訂住宿也都說sorry. 結論: 1.訂機票留的mail要留意. 2.訂機票留的電話,要留在台灣能跟你連絡的親友電話. 3.刷有旅遊不便險的信用卡買全額機票,或再加買旅遊不便險. 4.不管能不能理賠,所有的花費都要收据吧!(台灣的保險理賠之煩雜,,,,) 5.關西→桃園→新加坡往返是同一架飛機. 我朋友也是那天回台的班機 7/8收到MAIL~ 改到7/9就飛回來了~

我們一行4人,7月1O日關西機場回桃園就因台風而取消,我們是買連程票由薪千歲到大阪中轉桃園,到關西才知道停飛,捷星在約2天前有發mail,我們疏忽沒看,在此同時我們採網路check in也正常(48小時內),沒有停飛訊息. 機場櫃檯有捷星人員也有中譯人員,給了一張停飛証明,說是保險之用.然後安排後補,至於住宿、交通,因為天災他們不負責,甚至請他們幫訂住宿也都說sorry. 結論: 1.訂機票留的mail要留意. 2.訂機票留的電話,要留在台灣能跟你連絡的親友電話. 3.刷有旅遊不便險的信用卡買全額機票,或再加買旅遊不便險. 4.不管能不能理賠,所有的花費都要收据吧!(台灣的保險理賠之煩雜,,,,) 5.關西→桃園→新加坡往返是同一架飛機.

大家好, 我將要搭乘23號下午6點的捷星往新加坡轉機到達爾文... 可是今天的新聞動圖顯示,今天形成的颱風, 23號的時候剛好在台灣... 我很擔心飛不了呢>"< 請問我那天也是直接去桃園機場看他會不會飛嗎? 或是在機場等他公布停飛之類的? 我是早上6點往關西....祈禱中!! 希望颱風減慢速度或是轉向 一年一度的家庭旅遊!! 別把我給取消航班了

去年暑假,收到捷星通知因颱風取消航班後,立刻改訂酷航,不料幾個小時之後,也收到酷航寄來的因為颱風取消航班的電子郵件,全文(只刪改航班、日期)如下。處理方式是自己大電話去重新訂位(不額外收費),或者退代金券(有使用期限限制)。 Due to Typhoon Trami impacting flight operations into and out of Taipei Taoyuan International Airport, your Scoot flight (TZ XXX ) on XXX August, 2013 will be disrupted. We will be flying direct (non-stop) from Tokyo to Singapore, without the stopover at Taipei. •If your flight is from Tokyo to Singapore, it is not impacted so please proceed to check-in as usual. Estimated time of arrival at Singapore is 1.5 hours earlier. •If your flight is from Tokyo to Taipei or Taipei to Singapore, the flight will no longer operate, given they are now non-stop. Please contact the call centre to: (a) rebook on the next available flight, operating within seven days of the original flight, at no additional charge - rebooking must be done before the scheduled departure time of your original flight; or (b) obtain a full refund of the affected sector in the form of a transferable Scoot travel voucher that is valid for travel within (06) months from the date of issue - please let us know of your refund request by 01 Sep 2013. We're sorry for any inconvenience caused, and seek your understanding that our actions were taken because of the high probably we will not be able to access Taipei airport while the Typhoon is crossing over Taiwan - indeed we expect the airport to be closed during this period. Notwithstanding this inconvenience, thanks for choosing to fly with Scoot. Yours sincerely, The Scoot Team

去年暑假也遇到的狀況,大約是在原航班預定起飛前12小時收到的簡訊,輕度颱風,桃園機場沒有關場,可以正常起降的情況下,捷星通知取消班機,第一時間寄來的電郵內容如下。大致上就是說班機取消,請自己打電話到捷星客服去安排新的班機訂位。 Due to Weather in Taiwan your flight XXXXXXXX from Taipei to Singapore has been cancelled. We sincerely apologise for the disruption to your service today and the inconvenience this may have caused you. It is our intention to operate all services to schedule, however on occasion unforeseen issues can unfortunately cause a disruption. How can I get help with my booking? You can manage your flight by speaking to a member of our Customer Service team at the airport or at our Call Centre. Simply call 00801 852 015 and quote "Cancelled Flight" for priority assistance. If you missed an onward connection with Jetstar or one of our Partner Airlines, you'll be re-seated onto the next available connection. Please see Jetstar staff for more information. If you have travel insurance, this letter may be of assistance. Again, we sincerely apologise for the disruption to your service today. If you would like to provide us with feedback please visit our online customer care feedback form. Please note that this version (Version 1) of the letter supersedes any previous versions that may have been issued by Jetstar. We hope to welcome you aboard a Jetstar flight again soon


如果你當初訂位有留電話的話 班機取消應該在出發前五六個小時會收到簡訊通知 另一個方式就是緊盯桃園機場網站的航班動態 捷星很容易因天氣因素改時間或取消

我是周三7/23上午9:50的亞航 也是很麻煩 只能靜待通知了

我也是這班飛機 希望風雨小一點不要delay 或停飛阿! WOW! 你也是去達爾文嗎? 還是只是要去新加坡?? 看到有棧友搭同一班飛機真是開心!! 我也希望不要Delay或停飛... 很麻煩阿>"<

我也是這班飛機 希望風雨小一點不要delay 或停飛阿!

請問 7/25晚間酷航飛首爾, 若是颱風剛好在台韓中間, 會無法飛越嗎????? 還有酷航若因颱風停飛, 該如何因應啊? 免費搭下一班?退費?直接取消不退錢?安排別家? 感謝

去機場等吧,不然如期飛你不就虧大了 同時多注意官方新聞,如果前兩天很明顯飛機無法飛的話 會提前宣布延後班機或是停飛班機

大家好, 我將要搭乘23號下午6點的捷星往新加坡轉機到達爾文... 可是今天的新聞動圖顯示,今天形成的颱風, 23號的時候剛好在台灣... 我很擔心飛不了呢>"< 請問我那天也是直接去桃園機場看他會不會飛嗎? 或是在機場等他公布停飛之類的?