前往 急~~~~請英文高手幫我翻譯這句話@ fernando18 :: 痞

發布時間: 2020-08-08
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您即將離開本站,並前往急~~~~請英文高手幫我翻譯這句話@ fernando18 :: 痞客邦::




我不確定自己算不算英文很好的人…不過你這幾句話的語意感覺好奇怪@@(我是在台灣土生土長學英文,不能肯定符不符合美式思考,只是就我的感覺去修改) After graduating, I give myself a year to promote my strength and vision. →改成after graduating from school (什麼學校?), I took a gap year to improve my language ability and broaden the international view. This year I tutored mathematics, science , improved my English reading,listening,writing and speaking. →改成 During this year, I've signed up for courses of mathematics and science, and also tried to enhance my language ability, including English (listening, writing and reading) and Vietnamese, in my free time. l have taught myself Vietnamese, and traveled to the United States and Vietnam! →改成I've even travelled to the United States and Vietnam by using the languages I've just learned! 可能語意稍微改掉了,你也許能看一下適不適合用? 謝謝你!!!!謝謝你的修改,和我所想表達的意思是契合的!

我不確定自己算不算英文很好的人…不過你這幾句話的語意感覺好奇怪@@(我是在台灣土生土長學英文,不能肯定符不符合美式思考,只是就我的感覺去修改) After graduating, I give myself a year to promote my strength and vision. →改成after graduating from school (什麼學校?), I took a gap year to improve my language ability and broaden the international view. This year I tutored mathematics, science , improved my English reading,listening,writing and speaking. →改成 During this year, I've signed up for courses of mathematics and science, and also tried to enhance my language ability, including English (listening, writing and reading) and Vietnamese, in my free time. l have taught myself Vietnamese, and traveled to the United States and Vietnam! →改成I've even travelled to the United States and Vietnam by using the languages I've just learned! 可能語意稍微改掉了,你也許能看一下適不適合用?

內容如下: 畢業後我給自己一年的時間加強自己的實力與眼界,這一年我補習了數學、自然,加強英語,自學了越南語,也到了美國和越南旅遊! 我的翻譯: After graduating, I give myself a year to promote my strength and vision. This year I tutored mathematics, science , improved my English reading,listening,writing and speaking, l have taught myself Vietnamese, and traveled to the United States and Vietnam! 想請大家幫我看看,有沒有需要修正的! 還有美式的思考,會不會有不瞭解的地方 這個是我要填在ds160裡的, 所以想慎重的確認一下! 麻煩大家了,謝謝