前往 預訂桃園國際機場機票來展開旅程| Air

發布時間: 2020-10-03
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往預訂桃園國際機場機票來展開旅程| AirAsia




令人超級開心的好消息!! 超級期待ing 可以再為我的倫敦行省一些錢

真是等不及了........ 馬簽現在貼台灣護照..... 台灣護照...馬方海關也肯蓋章了...... 趕快開航.......去體會一下

你好~ 我是機場工作人員~ 我的消息來源是很多航空同業高階主管 亞航已經來台多次就合約代理部份及飛航時間做商談 也禮貌性拜會多家航空公司~ 相信假使一些問題無法克服 沒辦法在3月底開航 也會是上半年吧 相信你的來源是正確的.非常感謝你 每次過年或暑假回去就花上快兩萬元票價 一家四口真的失血..,希望亞航在台北成功經營...

你好~ 我是機場工作人員~ 我的消息來源是很多航空同業高階主管 亞航已經來台多次就合約代理部份及飛航時間做商談 也禮貌性拜會多家航空公司~ 相信假使一些問題無法克服 沒辦法在3月底開航 也會是上半年吧

這是好消息!!! 看來可以開始規畫歐洲自助旅行了!! 葡萄牙 西班牙 我來了!! 我看也没那么便宜吧。。。 想想。。。 亚航给你飞来马来西亚的票加马来西亚飞伦敦。。。。 你的票钱也没便宜很多吧。。。。 但如果飞来亚洲的话。。。 应该便宜很多了。。。


這是好消息!!! 看來可以開始規畫歐洲自助旅行了!! 葡萄牙 西班牙 我來了!!

各位大大期盼已久的Air Asia將在三月開航台北吉隆坡 雖然還不知道會有什麼驚人的價格~ 但總是多點選擇也是好事 桃園機場也多些不一樣的航空公司 是台北吉隆坡~~不是大家猜測的台北曼谷 三月?新聞來源在那裏?我查到的2/3/2009的消息 ( http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BTIMES/articles/tonyo/Article/) 只說今年要開航高雄和台北(桃園機場),台北的部分是上半年.沒說幾月.由於還要開闢很多其他新的航線,所以必須增加飛機的數量,至少也得等飛機的調度有可能後才會開始. 按亞航過去的紀錄來講,新的航線有了確定的開航日期,至少一兩個月前就會開始開放訂票了.現在都二月了,但是亞航網站還是看不到有台灣目的地在裡面. 以下是那新聞稿的全文: AirAsia to expand China routes By Chong Pooi KoonPublished: 2009/02/03 LOW-cost carrier AirAsia Bhd (5099) will fly to six more cities in China and Taiwan this year, including a city 30 minutes away from Beijing, and aims to carry 1.5 million passengers from that country. It flew one million passengers to seven China destinations last year, chief executive officer Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes said. AirAsia expects to carry 24 million passengers on all its flights this year, up from an estimated 19 million last year. "China was phenomenally strong for us in 2008. We now have more flights to China than Singapore's Changi has. It's an amazing feat," Tony told a news conference in AirAsia office at Sepang yesterday. AirAsia has 76 aircraft currently and will take delivery of another 14 this year, mainly to cater for its China and India routes, Tony said. All its aircraft are financed for the next two years, he said. He is confident that AirAsia will make a profit this year despite the world recession. "There is no reason why we won't (make a profit). We are optimistic," he said. Its first flight to Tianjin, the budget carrier's alternative landing point for Beijing, is scheduled on April 2 and ticket sale will start next week. The capital city of populous China, Beijing is a crucial destination for AirAsia and travellers to and from that city can fly via Tianjin, which is a mere 30 minutes away through high speed train, Tony said. AirAsia plans to start flying to Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, within the first six months of the year. Other new destinations in Greater China include Chengdu, Chongqing, Xian, and Kaoshiung in Southern Taiwan. "We found that many people are using us to go to other parts of Malaysia, and Australia even. The hub has already happened," he said. The carrier already flies to seven destinations in China, namely Macau, Hong Kong, Hangzhou, Haikou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Xiamen. It also started flying to some China cities from Kota Kinabalu and Kuching, and will soon launch flights between Penang and Macau. With the new cities this year, it will be servicing almost 20 routes to China. "We only started flying to China four years ago, but the pace is unbelievable for me. We will do the same with India. Together with Australia and Europe, this will make Malaysia a very strong hub," Tony said. Meanwhile, Tony has declined to comment on the government's rejection of its plan to build a low-cost terminal in Labu. "Let's see what happens in two weeks time. Whatever it is, it is going to be good. AirAsia has made its case: we need a new terminal, although we are not insisting on having Labu. It just has to be different from now," he said. The temporary terminal for low-cost carrier at the KLIA has a capacity for 15 million passengers, and is handling 10 million passengers currently.

各位大大期盼已久的Air Asia將在三月開航台北吉隆坡 你確定有這麼快嗎??^o)^o)^o)

請問大大有確定的開航日期嗎? Air Asia網站上一直都只有天津即將開航 小弟也一直在密切注意這個消息 台北吉隆坡開航真是一個好消息 以後去馬來西亞就便宜了 而且亞航在吉隆坡四通八達 還可以飛去倫敦(ap) 各位大大期盼已久的Air Asia將在三月開航台北吉隆坡 雖然還不知道會有什麼驚人的價格~ 但總是多點選擇也是好事 桃園機場也多些不一樣的航空公司 是台北吉隆坡~~不是大家猜測的台北曼谷

各位大大期盼已久的Air Asia將在三月開航台北吉隆坡 雖然還不知道會有什麼驚人的價格~ 但總是多點選擇也是好事 桃園機場也多些不一樣的航空公司 是台北吉隆坡~~不是大家猜測的台北曼谷

想請問各位旅遊達人 去年聽說air asia要來台灣開新航點 包括台北飛馬來西亞以及曼谷等等 那時的新聞是說約3月份會來 剛去他的網站看 只看到即將有天津北京新航點 還是沒看到台北....想請問有沒有人知道是否會開台北點呢? thank you very much... 今年增6新航線‧亞航4月2起飛天津 http://search.sinchew-i.com/node/277062?k=亞航 天津航線下週發售‧亞航年中飛台灣成都 http://search.sinchew-i.com/node/277220?k=亞航

你可以去馬來西亞討論區看看 不過恐怕還要一陣子吧

想請問各位旅遊達人 去年聽說air asia要來台灣開新航點 包括台北飛馬來西亞以及曼谷等等 那時的新聞是說約3月份會來 剛去他的網站看 只看到即將有天津北京新航點 還是沒看到台北....想請問有沒有人知道是否會開台北點呢? thank you very much...