前往 商用英語基本書信用法 | please refer to the attached
發布時間: 2021-05-21推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
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Please refer to the attachment forIHM surveyplease refer to the attachment中文please refer to it中文Please refer to the belowplease refer to the below中文Please refer toplease refer to中文please refer to用法
- 1please refer to the following-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso ...
使用Reverso Context: Details of procedures, please refer to the following documentation:,在英语-中文情境中翻...
- 2商用英語基本書信用法 - Funday
例句:Please refer to the attached file.(請參考附件檔案。) for your reference則是指,xxx東西給你參考,放在句末。 例句:Kindly f...
- 3「參考」英文怎麼說? Reference、refer to、look等用法! – 英 ...
Please refer to the following documents for specific details of the project. 請參考接下來的文件,裡面有關於此項計畫更...
- 4"Please refer to the following." 和"Please refer to the below." 的 ...
Please refer to the following.的同義字"Please refer to the following" means to pay attention to the i...
- 5商用英語基本書信用法 | please refer to the attached file
please refer to the attached file,大家都在找解答。 2. refer to/ for your reference refer to是動詞片語,有參考、查閱的意...
- 6italki - Refer or Refer to ? Which is correct?? Hi friends, Which ...
to or without "to") 1) please refer the below email. 2) please ... NiwanthaReferorReferto?Whichi...