前往 SOS!!租屋契約以及英文翻譯 -

發布時間: 2020-07-18
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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想請問已經待在澳洲一段時間的包包們 我在四月份要前往雪梨 目前正在尋找住宿的地方 無意間找到這個網站 http://www.share-accommodation.net/looking/ 也有跟一些''房東''(應該算是吧..)連絡 目前有找到想要租的房子 不過溝通畢竟都是英文 有些意思我不太懂 以下是那位房東寫給我的信 能否請幫我翻譯 也給我一點建議 幫忙我之後該怎麼跟她談租屋 --------------------------------------------- It's a great pleasure to know that you are interested in my room.I'lllike to inform you that i have 2 furnished rooms and the rent is $300AUD per two weeks for each room while the security deposit is $300AUD and the rent includes all utilities bills, so you do not need to pay any extra bills when you move into the flat. I'm only giving out my rooms just to put an end to my emptiness in the flat and not because of the rent price or anything. So i guess that's the reason why my rooms are so cheap. I'm presently Malaysia due to the nature of my job; I believe you have seen the pictures, so I'll like you to choose the exact room you would like to occupy. But in the meantime I'll like you to send me the details below so that i can instruct my lawyer to prepare your lease agreement document and the room will be fully reserved for you and you can move in at anytime you want. I’ll also like to inform you that each room in the flat has private toilet and bathroom, so you do not need to share it with anybody and that the rent includes all utility bills and internet so you do not need to pay extra bills when you move into the flat. However you can still move in while am still away, because i deposit the Spare Keys of the apartment with the FEDEX Office. so if you really want to move in i will be wiling to send you the Reference Number (code number) that you will present to the FEDEX Officers so as to get the spare keys that i deposited with them or better still i will like you to send me your present address so that i can have it sent directly to you FEDEX 24hours Express Delivery Service and you will get the Keys and Lease Tenant Agreement Document within 24hours.I will be like you to get back to me as soon as possible so that you lease document can be prepared and you can proceed with making your payment of one month and the security deposit directly to me over here or to me. so that the room would be fully reserved for you till you are ready to move in. I'll be willing to send you a scanned copy of my ID, so as to prove to you that i truly own the apartment and that there's nothing at all to worry about. You are in safe hands. ----------------------------------------------------------- 然後希望大家給我一些 關於在澳洲租屋的''注意事項'' 應該要怎麼樣才能防止被騙錢..或是該如何避免租屋糾紛這類的~謝謝大家!! 另外我想問這位房東幾個問題,可以幫我翻譯嗎? (因為我怕我翻譯得不好 她會不懂我的意思) 1.我和我男友要一起住一間房,那我們兩個人,住兩週,是不是只需要付$300? (因為我怕她說的兩週300塊是一個人,不是一間房) 2.我該怎麼跟她簽約? 3.要不要先預付訂金? 暫時只想到這些問題 希望英文比較好的包包 幫我個忙... 謝謝大家了!(L)(L)(L)