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發布時間: 2020-09-22
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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【台灣虎航最新航班動態; TTW flight(s) status information】 更新時間:2018.08.22 17:00 (GMT+8) Issued at: 22 August 2018 17:00 (GMT+8) 受西馬隆颱風路徑及外圍環流影響,基於飛行安全考量,台灣虎航2018年8月23日最新航班異動情形如下: - IT8268/8269 高雄-名古屋來回航班取消 - IT212 桃園-大阪(關西)提前至11:30起飛 - IT213 大阪(關西)-桃園提前至16:05起飛 ※以上飛航時間皆為當地時間,且為24小時制。 實際的航班起、降情況,將依天氣狀況調整,請隨時至「航班動態」留意(bit.ly/2IfSICq),以取得最新航班消息,各航班最新離到時間,仍以機場公佈為準。 Owing to typhoon impact and because of passengers’ safety, tomorrow’s (23 August) affected flights are listed as below: - IT8268/8269 Kaohsiung-Nagoya are cancelled; - IT212 Taoyuan-Osaka will depart early at 11:30 - IT213 Osaka-Taoyuan will depart early at 16:05 ※The time is shown all in local time as 24H. The flights status might be changed anytime, it is strongly recommended that all passengers should check the most updated flight schedule through the webpage (bit.ly/2K18HKo) in anytime.