前往 Flights to Boracay (Caticlan) - Cebu Pacific

發布時間: 2020-11-04
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往Flights to Boracay (Caticlan) - Cebu Pacific Air




I've 2 tickets available to Boracay till the end of August if anyone is interested. Tickets were bought in May. Ticket detail: Cebu Pacific Airline, Taipei to Manila, Manila to Caticlan round trip tickets 11500 per person, price can be negotiated. 我有2張機票,到長灘島,直到八月底。如果有人有興趣。機票五月是購買. 票務詳情:Cebu Pacific航空公司,台北到馬尼拉,馬尼拉到Caticlan每人往返機票11500,價格可以協商。