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The Malaysia-based AirAsia Group officially announced on Monday it plan to introduce mid- and long-haul flights in Indonesia’s competitive airline industry with its Indonesia AirAsia Extra subsidiary. Indonesia AirAsia Extra will open a new route connecting Denpasar in Bali to Melbourne in Australia on Dec. 26 as its inaugural route. Indonesia AirAsia Extra CEO Suratman Durahman said during a press conference that the airline aimed to provide other, more affordable options for Indonesian travelers who wanted to visit Australia. “Besides providing an opportunity for Indonesians to travel to Australia, we will also be offering more choice for Australian travelers to visit Bali with our good quality, low-cost carrier,” Suratman said. “This is a very promising market, given the fact that 25 percent of the foreign tourists who visit Bali are Australians,” he continued. Data from the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry shows that the number of tourists in Bali rose by 13 percent last year compared to the year before. Separately, AirAsia X’s business development director, Siva Ramanathan, said the airline was also trying to boost outbound traffic to Melbourne on the back of a high number of Indonesians studying in the city. With flight permit signed by the Transportation Ministry in August, the airline is ready to serve the route five times a week, with each flight offering 377 seats, including 12 in business class. “We are the first LCC [low-cost carrier] to offer business-class seats on long-haul flights. We can also offer seats to those who want to have a peaceful flight, where children under 12 are not allowed,” Ramanathan said. “Each of these things will make people want to fly with AirAsia,” he continued. New Denpasar-Melbourne route set for Dec. 26 Fares will start from $82 Route will be served five times a week with 377-seat Airbus A330s Future destinations: Taiwan, Japan, Saudi Arabia The fares for Denpasar-Melbourne start at Rp 999,000 (US$82.4) per passenger for economy class, and Rp 3.9 million per passenger for business class. Suratman said the airline was scheduled to open new routes from Indonesia to Taiwan in March 2015, and to Japan by the end of 2015. He added that the airline was also planning to launch new routes from Indonesia to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, during the second quarter of next year. Suratman said Indonesia AirAsia Extra would operate the new flights with two Airbus 330s. “We aim to gradually expand our fleet but that will depend on existing slots at the airports,” he said. Indonesia AirAsia Extra is the third affiliate for AirAsia X, which focuses on mid- and long-haul flights, following the launch of Malaysia AirAsia X in 2007 and Thailand AirAsia X earlier this year. Indonesia AirAsia president director Sunu Widyatmoko said separately that Indonesia AirAsia Extra would create a greater opportunity for AirAsia Indonesia to increase its passenger numbers. “With AirAsia Extra offering this new route connecting Denpasar and Melbourne, we can serve as a feeder for passengers from Surabaya or Yogyakarta, for instance, who want to travel to Australia,” Sunu said. The company aims to increase the number of its passengers from 7.8 million in 2013 to 8 million by the end of this year. Through August, the airline had recorded a total of 5.31 million passengers. http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/10/28/airasia-launches-long-haul-operation-indonesia.html

如果能有的話 到印尼就方便多了

10/28雅加達郵報新聞: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/10/28/airasia-launches-long-haul-operation-indonesia.html New Denpasar-Melbourne route set for Dec. 26 Future destinations: Taiwan, Japan, Saudi Arabia 看來台灣是有機會的。不過在眾多的外電,只看到雅加達郵報有這樣寫,其它都沒提到墨爾本以後的可能航線,所以還是先聽聽就好。

DPS-TPE可以當成願景,但不用期待短期內會發生。之前的外電新聞有說過印尼AAX的先期目標是澳洲,其次是北亞(North Asia)。雖然不知道台灣是否在亞航的北亞定義內,但是從以前泰國AAX的新聞來看,他們North Asia主要是日韓和中國。 台灣雖然也是印尼的十大客源之一,但是比不過中日韓。台灣到印尼觀光人數甚至只有2002年的60%而以,中國的觀光客和2002年比是成長了20多倍。航空公司開北亞航線的順位會如何大概都可以猜的出來。

亞航X獲印尼航空營運證書 2014-09-06 10:53 (吉隆坡5日訊)亞航X(AAX,5238,主板貿服組)旗下印尼亞航長程(IAAX)獲得航空營運證書。 亞航X發文告表示,IAAX已正式收到印尼交通部民航總監批准其航空營運證書(AOC),有了此證書,IAAX將展開申請營運准證和安插有意飛航的國際航線。 亞航X持有IAAX的49%股權。 目前IAAX擁有一架向Epic租貸公司租借的空中巴士330-300客機,未來將租用更多客機。 亞航(印度)簽租賃協議 同時,母公司亞洲航空(AIRASIA,5099,主板貿服組)與亞航(印度)私人有限公司簽署為期144個月的租賃協議,後者將以1億4千288萬8千400令吉向其租賃1架空巴A320-200客機。() 點看全文: http://biz.sinchew.com.my/node/101534#ixzz3ChaHhJNK Follow us: @SinChewPress on Twitter | SinChewDaily on Facebook

http://biz.sinchew.com.my/node/101534 IAAX 將以巴厘島為營運點 且希望年底開始營運明年全面展開 DPS-TPE?:-D