前往 亞洲航空訂票SOP大公開2020新版介面|自助旅行、菲律賓遊學

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亚航现在的机票一点都不便宜,马航现在有特价,加稅后和亚航差不多。 我刚定了马航新加坡--吉隆坡--首尔,单程票价105新币,双程210新币,加稅后609新币 马航新加坡--吉隆坡--台北,单程票价62新币,双程124新币,加稅后500.60新币 马航新加坡--吉隆坡--柏斯,单程票价29新币,双程58新币,加稅后才527新币。 所以有空的话可上网定,马航的特价机票可定到明年三月,我查了新加坡飞柏斯圣诞节到明年一月一日也是527新币。

亞航應該是想改變目前大家都有的這樣一種印象吧 如果是高級客人,誰要坐這家公司?


我怎麼讀 都嗅不出你所說的味道 或許你將文章作過度省略 讀起來感覺是 可能這段期間亞航的票價及相關費用一直增加 亞航認為低端旅客會減少 因此想調整市場行銷策略 吸引其他客源 全文~ http://www.anytimesnews.com/2011/04/30/airasia-x-shifts-marketing-approach Long-haul low-cost carrier AirAsia X has shifted its marketing approach in a rising fuel cost environment as price points change and as the airline seeks to keep its passenger volumes and yields intact. “We have learnt in 2008 (when oil prices shot up) that we needed to shift our marketing approach due to rising fuel prices. We are in a similar situation now especially with jet fuel prices hovering at US$140 per barrel,” said AirAsia X Sdn Bhd chief executive officer Azran Osman-Rani in an interview with StarBizWeek on Wednesday. Although legacy carriers tend to use higher fuel surcharge to cushion the impact of rising fuel costs (due to higher oil prices), low-cost carriers are also not spared and will have to raise air fares to cope. “We realised that we can’t just sit around and needed to figure out a strategic shift in our marketing because what has happened is that the lower end of our passenger base might drop off as the cost of flying to long-haul destinations such as Australia or China is too high and they may opt for a shorter flight,” says Azran. “But this gives us the opportunity to grab or replace them with the higher-end passenger segment and people who may have previously flown with legacy carriers as the ticket prices of these carriers have shot up too.” Aside from this, AirAsia X is focused on building a sustainable plan for its fuel volume usage as a result of its fuel-efficient aircraft. “In 2010, our A330 used 2.18 litres per seat per km flown while legacy carrier used between four to five litres. That is a big difference and we continue to be focused on improving our operations,” says Azran. Meanwhile, the company has sent out its request for proposals to local and foreign investment banks to set its initial public offering (IPO) exercise in motion, with deadline for submission of proposals fixed for next week. The board of directors will then have a meeting in June to sign off on the chosen advisers to lead the IPO exercise and firm up details of the IPO structure including the timeframe, listing location and size of the fund raising exercise. However, Azran does not rule out the possibility that AirAsia X’s fund raising exercise may be similar in size to that of sister airline AirAsia Bhd‘s IPO, done in 2004, which raised RM863mil from the sale of 700.51 million new and existing shares. He adds that the probability is higher for the actual listing to take place next year. It is widely expected that AirAsia X will consider a dual listing, on the local bourse as well as a foreign market (Europe, Hong Kong or US). However, a key stumbling block in the airline kicking off its IPO process has been its inability to secure route approvals to key priority cities. “I don’t think an IPO is feasible or realistic without a real resolution to the routes issues. We can’t realistically expect investors to invest when there is no clear routes allocation policy and we can’t go forward when approvals are done in a very piecemeal manner,” he says. But Azran remains hopeful that the framework for air rights allocation will be announced soon, especially since the Government has openly said under the Economic Transformation Programme that it wants to increase flight frequencies and air rights to 10 priority cities, namely Beijing, New Delhi, Melbourne, Mumbai, Osaka, Seoul, Shanghai, Sydney, Taipei and Tokyo. Azran says that these 10 priority cities will help build a sustainable global network for any airline, as these routes provide links to the most economic cities worldwide. He adds that route approvals are also critical for the airline to achieve its estimated revenue of RM2bil this year, after achieving RM1.3bil last year. AirAsia X made a net profit of RM80mil last year, after carrying 1.92 million passengers. This higher revenue projection for this year is also driven by better ancillary income and higher yields as older routes mature. It aims to carry 2.7 million passengers this year. “A potential driver in us missing that RM2bil mark could be route approvals as we had projected in our plan that we would have launched another route (be it Sydney, Jeddah, Osaka or Beijing) by now so that we would not have excess capacity,” says Azran. He adds that the earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand would also have an impact, although at a lesser extent. “It was heartening to have surpassed the RM1bil revenue mark last year. What is interesting also is if we benchmark ourselves against other airlines like Tiger Airways, Cebu Pacific, Indonesia AirAsia and Thai AirAsia, we would have surpassed them in terms of RPK (revenue passenger kilometre), which is the measure of volume of passengers carried by the airline,” says Azran. “Many of these airlines took double the time that it took us in three years to achieve.” The AirAsia Group undertook a corporate restructuring exercise in the middle of last year, in which it announced that its long-haul affiliate AirAsia X and regional affiliates Thai AirAsia and Indonesia Airasia would seek their own separate listings to fund their respective aircraft orders. Organisationally, AirAsia X took over the employment of its own wide-body aircraft pilots, cabin crew and ground staff as well as its commercial and marketing team. Since the separation of its commercial operations from AirAsia, AirAsia X has reduced its gearing level from 3x to 1.5x as at end of last year. “We embarked on a whole balance sheet strengthening strategy we completed the RM100mil rights issue exercise to achieve financial independence. Aside from that, we also restructured our aircraft deliveries and undertook a sale and leaseback arrangement for two planes with all these exercises allowing for a big cash injection of RM300mil (in total),” says Azran. Meanwhile, AirAsia X will be taking its next A330-300 aircraft delivery in the middle of next year. While the airline will firm up its aircraft financing four to six months before the aircraft are delivered, Azran says the company is in the midst of looking over some aircraft financing proposals from investment banks. “Our first 11 planes have been a mixture of operating leases and export credit agency (ECA)- backed financing. We are in the midst of looking at a third model and are evaluating a couple of proposals. We want to get more local financial institutions participating,” he adds. AirAsia X is currently using aircraft financing from foreign banks as well as a base loan financing facility from CIMB Group Holdings Bhd. Four financing options commonly used by airlines are operating leases, tax lease structures, ECA-backed structures (which involve government guarantees) and commercial debt.

上一波開放農曆年促銷搶票時,發現亞航開始有分層的促銷價後,我開始思考未來旅行的策略,購成票價高低的變數很多,大家不妨去找出自己旅行中的變數做調整,相信一樣可以有便宜的旅行。 話說回來,籌措個人或家庭的旅費不只有節流一種做法,開源是更重要的方式,我自己的做法是知悉亞航的稅費調整就好,重心是放在家庭的財務規劃上,財務規劃妥善,旅行的安排就不受亞航的限制。 也謝謝棧友總是提供亞航的各項訊息,真是造福大家! 謝謝你的建議 無論如何 總因為支出增加 在規劃上很難不受到影響甚至受到限制

其實亞航看不起背包客的,而是希望服務高端客戶.最近亞航就頻頻宣傳他們的豪華座椅.而且台北到KL航程較短,所以豪華座椅沒有比經濟艙貴很多,我也很心動,差點買了.但後來想說,我的機票取消是亞航的錯,怎麼能獎勵他們給他們數倍多的錢鼓勵取消航線呢,於是買了Jetstar 看看CEO Azran Osman-Rani怎麼說的 “We realised that we can't just sit around and needed to figure out a strategic shift in our marketing because what has happened is that the lower end of our passenger base might drop off ...” says Azran. “But this gives us the opportunity to grab or replace them with the higher-end passenger segment and people who may have previously flown with legacy carriers as the ticket prices of these carriers have shot up too.” 人家覺得背包客不支持是個好機會,正好把機位留給高端客戶.背包客老是去搶所謂的免費機票,人家怎麼賺錢呢 我怎麼讀 都嗅不出你所說的味道 或許你將文章作過度省略 讀起來感覺是 可能這段期間亞航的票價及相關費用一直增加 亞航認為低端旅客會減少 因此想調整市場行銷策略 吸引其他客源

確是如此 如果要在東南亞國家旅行 亞航確實是不二選擇(便宜且航點多) 只不過 TPE-KUL這段恐怕越來越吃不消 上一波開放農曆年促銷搶票時,發現亞航開始有分層的促銷價後,我開始思考未來旅行的策略,購成票價高低的變數很多,大家不妨去找出自己旅行中的變數做調整,相信一樣可以有便宜的旅行。 話說回來,籌措個人或家庭的旅費不只有節流一種做法,開源是更重要的方式,我自己的做法是知悉亞航的稅費調整就好,重心是放在家庭的財務規劃上,財務規劃妥善,旅行的安排就不受亞航的限制。 也謝謝棧友總是提供亞航的各項訊息,真是造福大家!

其實亞航看不起背包客的,而是希望服務高端客戶.最近亞航就頻頻宣傳他們的豪華座椅.而且台北到KL航程較短,所以豪華座椅沒有比經濟艙貴很多,我也很心動,差點買了.但後來想說,我的機票取消是亞航的錯,怎麼能獎勵他們給他們數倍多的錢鼓勵取消航線呢,於是買了Jetstar 看看CEO Azran Osman-Rani怎麼說的 “We realised that we can't just sit around and needed to figure out a strategic shift in our marketing because what has happened is that the lower end of our passenger base might drop off ...” says Azran. “But this gives us the opportunity to grab or replace them with the higher-end passenger segment and people who may have previously flown with legacy carriers as the ticket prices of these carriers have shot up too.” 人家覺得背包客不支持是個好機會,正好把機位留給高端客戶.背包客老是去搶所謂的免費機票,人家怎麼賺錢呢

通常可能是那樣 但我是被亞航被迫改航班,酒店都定好了,所以要的日期比較固定 發現台北-亞庇要比台北-吉隆坡還貴 虎航那段時間也比Jetstar貴 最便宜的是到馬尼拉轉機,可是中轉多變數多風險大,不如多花少許錢直飛新加坡了 印象中Jetstar 台北-新加坡這段好像也沒有也不會比TPE-KUL 便宜 還是我記錯了

印象中Jetstar 台北-新加坡這段好像也沒有也不會比TPE-KUL 便宜 還是我記錯了 對呀 亞航取消了我的台北-曼谷航班 我又沒錢買TPE-KUL的票 最後買了Jetstar,發現Jetstar似乎沒收我的信用卡線上服務費.(等待信用卡帳單最後確認中...)

對呀 亞航取消了我的台北-曼谷航班 我又沒錢買TPE-KUL的票 最後買了Jetstar,發現Jetstar沒收我的信用卡線上服務費.(不知為何...聽說不是S$7嗎) 只不過 TPE-KUL這段恐怕越來越吃不消

~恕刪~航線網路覆蓋也是一些人必須選亞航的原因 確是如此 如果要在東南亞國家旅行 亞航確實是不二選擇(便宜且航點多) 只不過 TPE-KUL這段恐怕越來越吃不消

不管是廉价或是豪华的航空.我还是比较喜欢直接了当,开门见山的把总费写出来. 省时省力省电. 在马来版位,就不好批评亚航. 无论怎么批评,总会有马来盏友出来挺亚航.... 可是它的价钱还是很便宜.

我也是看總價,能接受才訂,不管它怎麼隱藏,刷卡前那一刻看清收費項目是自己的責任,千萬別閃靈刷手後再來後悔。 此外我也覺得,大家也不需要這樣執著於亞航,航空公司很多家,最近韓日菲也一堆在促銷,費用相當低,都是可以考慮的航空公司。


亞航的餐飲等費用目前還是低於Jetstar等競爭對手,不過以後也會漲就是了 航線網路覆蓋也是一些人必須選亞航的原因 只要總價是可以接受的話 我倒不在乎他有哪些收費 朝三暮四或朝四暮三 有何差別 只不過 現在想買亞航便宜機票 可不容易

只要總價是可以接受的話 我倒不在乎他有哪些收費 朝三暮四或朝四暮三 有何差別 只不過 現在想買亞航便宜機票 可不容易

亞航今天凌晨系統維護 現在似乎完成了,結果發現訂票流程有變化,主要是將稅費隱藏得更深 現在查詢價格,不再直接顯示稅費 而是要確認亞航訂票協議後,到下一頁看稅費 相信是體貼消費者,為了讓消費者能夠看到更低廉的"票價",有個更加愉悅的購票心情 不過大家別高興過頭,忘記看附加費用 其實,亞航一向對台灣出發航班隱性收費 亞航台北-吉隆坡Airport Tax and Fees是645元新台幣,馬上還要開徵額外的約550元燃油稅 亞航台北-亞庇Airport Tax and Fees是540元新台幣,馬上還要開徵額外的燃油稅 對比其競爭對手 虎航台北-新加坡選定價格後,當頁立刻顯示稅費,Airport and any Govt Charges是300元新台幣 Jetstar台北-新加坡,查詢結果直接顯示稅費,Fees & Taxes為300元新台幣 Cebu Pacific需要用戶確認協議,進入下一頁,還要主動點Show Price Details才能看到稅費,台北-馬尼拉,Taxes & Fees為589.60,其中機場服務費300元新台幣,燃油附加費289.60元新台幣 可見亞航長期以來,徵收燃油附加費前就對台灣出發的消費者徵收了機場服務費300元之外的莫名費用