前往 HTTP Status Codes - REST API Tuto
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- 1Is there a standard for Error Codes? - Software Engineering ...
I am not aware of any specific standard that could help you. However, there are standard protocol...
- 2HTTP Status Codes - REST API Tutorial
HTTP Status Codes · 1xx Informational · 2xx Success · 3xx Redirection · 4xx Client Error · 5xx Se...
- 3List of HTTP status codes - Wikipedia
2xx success · 200 OK: Standard response for successful HTTP requests. · 201 Created: The request ...
- 4Best Practices for API Error Handling
Error codes in the response stage of an API is the fundamental way in ... is an ok error code, it...
- 5HTTP Status Codes - What is REST
HTTP defines these standard status codes that can be used to convey the results of a client's req...
- 6Does a standard for errors / error codes exist? - Stack Overflow
Most API services follow the HTTP error code system RFC2817 with ranges of error codes for differ...