前往 what's that supposed to mean 中文- 什么意思 - 查查
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您即將離開本站,並前往what's that supposed to mean 中文- 什么意思 - 查查在線詞典
- 1What's that supposed to mean?的繁體中文翻譯 - 英文線上翻譯
What's that supposed to mean?的翻譯結果。 文字網頁 ...
- 2「那什麼意思」你會說"what's that mean?"嗎? - Just Eng Time ...
便說”What is that mean?”這句話。 雖然不曉得是不是大家都會這麼說,不過 ... What does that mean? 「那什麼意思?」 What do you mean ...
- 3whats that supposed to mean?的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文 ...
求翻译:whats that supposed to mean?是什么意思? 待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有. whats that supposed to mean? 问题补充:. 我...
- 4【問題】What's that suppose to mean? | Yahoo奇摩知識+ ...
What's that supposed to mean? 口語上的意思就是:「你那是什麼意思!?」 Is that supposed to mean anything? 「那樣有什麼意義嗎? ...
- 5what's that supposed to mean 中文- 什么意思 - 查查在線詞典
what's that supposed to meanとは意味:Whát's thàt suppósed to méan? (當惑?怒りを表して)それはどういう意味だ. 相關詞匯. what'...
- 6"what's that supposed to mean?"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(英國 ...
what's that supposed to mean?的意思. 英語(美國) 法語(法國) 德語 意大利語 日語 韓語 波蘭語 葡萄...