前往 搭機來去長灘島@ 駱駝慢遊世界:: 隨意窩Xui

發布時間: 2020-07-30
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往搭機來去長灘島@ 駱駝慢遊世界:: 隨意窩Xuite日誌




感謝jonlee737的指導,今天已經收到travel fund了!!真是開心,但有了這次經驗,盡量以後不買特惠機票了,我是指cebu的,愈是便宜的,愈是第一個被取消機位…嘖嘖,取消還不打緊,痛苦的是溝通困難…(汗) 從第一篇來看,宿霧是取消你原來訂的kalibo回manila那一班飛機,不是取消你的座位而已,這跟你買特惠票無關。同班機其他沒買到特惠票的人一樣也受影響。

感謝jonlee737的指導,今天已經收到travel fund了!!真是開心,但有了這次經驗,盡量以後不買特惠機票了,我是指cebu的,愈是便宜的,愈是第一個被取消機位…嘖嘖,取消還不打緊,痛苦的是溝通困難…(汗)

我有申請cebu的會員,那麼我該如何回覆他才對?我現在就是要把所有錢入到travel fund,只要讓我90天之內可以訂機票就行了。一直怕是不是英文太爛引起的溝通不良…= = 剛剛有登入cebu會員內,看我之前的booking,現在呈現以下這個畫面 這樣裡面寫的退款4千多元究竟是要退入travel fund裡面的嗎?有沒有成功呀?因為到我的travel fund裡去看,又說沒有記錄…:\'(

請問版主有申請宿霧太平洋的會員嗎?怎麼你的狀況我越看越陌生,之前我辦過退到travel fund很迅速的呀。 那個custom number/account是一樣的啦,有申請會員就會看到這東西了,這封信應該是再跟你確認是不是要退到custom number的travel fund。

他又回信了,我快瘋了,感覺一直繞圈圈,醬子究竟算定案了沒呀? ------------------------------------------------- Dear Sir/Ma'am, Greetings! This is to acknowledge your email below. To clarify you are requesting to store the travel fund amount into Customer number/account? Please note that for customer number only the CEB MEMBER ACCOUNT may redeem the travel fund up to up to 90 days based on the date of creation. You may reply to this email once your decision is final so that we can make the necessary amendments Thank you! Regards, Ice Service Desk Cebu Pacific Air ------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer number/account?又有什麼不一樣?

請問樓主你說"因為寄對了信箱,滿快的就回信了" 你寄的是哪個信箱? 為何我將在客棧內查到的所有信箱都寄了, 到現在一封回信都沒收到? 我寄的信箱 [email protected] 但前提我是用gmail寄的,大約1天之內就會回信,目前每一封都是這樣!;-)

travel fund退給你的日期開始算90天內訂票就可以,跟出發日沒有關係。

請問樓主你說"因為寄對了信箱,滿快的就回信了" 你寄的是哪個信箱? 為何我將在客棧內查到的所有信箱都寄了, 到現在一封回信都沒收到?

感謝樓上的解釋,我再回信看看,;-) 當時沒有選擇退款的原因是因為看了很多人退款時間超久,而且款項不大,最重要的是我想用這個行程異動去要求4張機票一起cancel,所以我不敢把握他肯答應,也耳聞現在cebu無法退款了,只能改travel fund… 我順便想請問一下,90天的限制,是「買」的時間點,還是機票行程的時間點呀?

它給你的三個選項中,第二項是退到travel fund,那得在90天之內用掉,不然就沒用了,第三項是全額退款到你當時刷的信用卡。 至於Reservation Credit or Customer number,我沒遇過這狀況,就字面來看,因為你回信寫store into travel fund for the 2 passenger,看起來會誤以為想將這筆錢保留給這2位旅客,這可能是reservation credit的意思吧,這跟存到customer number裡的travel fund可能不太一樣哦,存到customer number的travel fund可在90天內用來訂機票,倒沒限定是這2位旅客;這只是我個人的看法,不確定對錯。

這張票是去年3月就訂到的1元機票!! 當時訂到Taipei到manila來回1元台幣(1/29,2/1),manila到boracay也是1元P索(1/29),kalibo回manila也是1元P索(2/1),大約在1/15時收到cebu來信通知 ----------------------------------------------- Dear hotpepper0328, Cebu Pacific would like to inform you that your flight has been cancelled due to aircraft situation. However, we have mounted another flight which you may take in lieu of the cancelled flight. Your new flight details are as follows: Name/s of guests: XXX XXX XXX AAA AAA AAA Booking reference no.: XDQVNN Flight details: Flight No. 5J346 on February 01, 2014, departing Kalibo International Airport at 7:25PM and arriving in Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 3 at 8:25PM We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Options available to the guests are as follows: •Rebook without charges for travel within 30 days •Put in Travel Fund ticket value without penalties (except for KOREA flights) •Refund without penalties Please click on the ACCEPT button below if above change is acceptable. If you wish to change or cancel your booking, please call us at the following numbers: Manila = (+632) 70-20-888 Cebu = (+6332) 230-8888 Hongkong = (+852) 39733800 Singapore = (+65) 31580808 --------------------------------------------------------------- 其實本來就因為一些因素不打算去這趟行程,但既然是被改行程,想說就順便改旅遊基金吧,所以我查了一下的文章,用了很爛的英文寫信過去… --------------------------------------------------------------- Dear My Flight was canceled by cebu, my Booking reference no.: XDQVNN because my schedule was changed by this aircraft situation from Taipei to boracay All booking reference no.:P2JCKB、PF4J9U、HGCCRR all 8 tickets I want 「Put all 8 tickets in Travel Fund ticket value」 thank you very much! -------------------------------------------------------------- 因為寄對了信箱,滿快的就回信了 -------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sir/Ma'am, Greetings! This is to acknowledge your email below. However to clarify, you are requesting to cancel confirmation number XDQVNN/ P2JCKB / PF4J9U / HGCCRR and amount will be store into travel fund for the 2 passenger? Please note that for travel fund amount may use up to 90 days based on the date of creation. You may reply to this email or advise us 4hrs before your flight once your decision is final so that we can make the necessary amendments. For further inquiries you may call our 24/7 hotline thru following numbers: Manila Office: +63-2-70-20-888 Cebu Office: +63-32-230-8888 Hong Kong Office: +852-397-33800 Singapore Office: +65-315-80808 --------------------------------------------------------------- 我再回信 --------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Yes, I am requesting to cancel confirmation number XDQVNN/ P2JCKB / PF4J9U / HGCCRR and amount will be store into travel fund for the 2 passenger. thank you very much! --------------------------------------------------------------- 又回信給我 --------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sir Madam, May we verify if the request for travel fund is for Reservation Credit or Customer number? Regards, Shane Service Desk Cebu Pacific Air ---------------------------------------------------------------- 但這封我有點看不懂,為何分信用卡?跟顧客編號? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry,which difference with Credit or Customer number? ---------------------------------------------------------------- 回信 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sir/ Ma'am, Greetings! Regarding your concern please call our 24/7 hotline thru following numbers: Manila Office: +63-2-70-20-888 Cebu Office: +63-32-230-8888 Hong Kong Office: +852-397-33800 Singapore Office: +65-315-80808 Thank you! Regards, Bern Service Desk Cebu Pacific Air ---------------------------------------------------- 感覺一直要我打電話過去,阿英文就是很爛呀,打去了也是給他賺電話費…很掙扎… 想問一下大家,我該怎麼辦呀?