前往 Minicraft 1/144 美國空軍F-16A Falcon 戰隼戰鬥機
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- 1F-16A/B Fighting Falcon Fighter - Navy.mil
The F-16A is a single seat model, single-engine multi-role jet fighter aircraft with superior man...
- 2F-16戰隼戰鬥機- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F-16「戰隼」(英語:General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon)是由通用動力公司(現洛克希德· ... 之後幾次交手,以色列的戰鬥機僅僅損失了不到二十架,而以...
- 3F-16 Fighting Falcon > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display - AF.mil
Background The F-16A, a single-seat model, first flew in December 1976. · General characteristics...
- 41/32大比例模型HASEGAWA S25(08025) 1/32 F-16A Plus/C ...
The Lockheed (formerly General Dynamics) F-16 Falcon first flew in 1974 and won the US Air Force ...
- 5F-16A “Fighting Falcon” - Museum of Aviation
F-16A “Fighting Falcon” ... The F-16 evolved from a 1972 USAF Lightweight Fighter prototype progr...
- 6General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon - Wikipedia
The General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is a single-engine multirole fighter aircraft originall...