前往 美國行注意事項|

發布時間: 2020-08-08
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往美國行注意事項| 3PM




再請問一下過了移民局面試那一關以後,是直接到Lower level 拿行李嗎?拿完行李以後是直接就跟大家排隊進海關嗎?還是要走到樓上或是更下層?海關結束以後放託運行李也是跟大家一樣還是他會說要放在指定的地方呢?放完檢查個人以後直接去登機門? 這樣的步驟對嗎? 第一次要到那邊有點緊張所以問了很多問題 希望您能解答 謝謝!!

follow the crowd. you will pass the immigration first. it takes about an hour for visitors. then you will need to pick up your luggages, which should be waiting for you. Then you will pass thru the custome station. Now you are officially enter the boader of USA. Follow the sign to make your connecting flights. you will need to re-check in your luggages that just being picked up to your final destination. After this, you will need to go through the check point again. You will need to take off your coat and shoes. If you got a laptoop with you, you will need to take it out as well. Then you will need to find your boarding station, which should be in the same terminal for domestic flight. Sorry I can only type english but I just take the same route couple days ago. Hope this will help.:-D

想請問一下 有人有搭過西北航空從TPE--Tokyo--MSP--Boston??? 我想問在明尼阿波理斯 Minneapolis (MSP)轉機 需要花很多時間嗎? 是在同一個Terminal嗎? 當放行李後和檢查完 還有多久時間到gate 希望有搭過有經驗的大大能為我解答 謝謝!!