前往 【2020吉隆坡住宿】超划算!15 間超高CP值吉隆坡酒店、民宿

發布時間: 2020-08-21
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Swiss Inn is not 4 stars. maybe 2.5 stars... If you want 4 stars, consider Trader Hotel. This hotel is next to KLCC Twin tower. Walking distant to train station and shopping mall. Night time can walk to all the nice pubs area. http://www.shangri-la.com/en/property/kualalumpur/traders

大家好! 有去過吉隆坡的朋友們,請問吉隆坡的飯店4星級的哪家較好(早餐要好喔!)? 若住SWISS INN 有附早餐嗎?謝謝!