前往 買貴退差價!Agoda價格保證補償申請成功!出國旅遊就是要省

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飯店旅館自己的網站價錢 一像都是比較貴 hotel club, 我上網買過 服務還蠻不錯的 我上次去澳洲有用網路訂它的旅館 結果我要的房間沒有 他們的客服人員就打國際電話給我 詢問我是否可以換其他的飯店 因為我要求的那家飯店沒有

各位大大~~ 不好意思,想請問一下,有沒有人在hotelclub訂過房? 我覺得蠻怪的是,有一些房價實在便宜的很誇張, 例如我在旅館的綱站上看到的是150歐一個晚上,可是hotelclub的價錢只有89.. 另外,他是用住宿券的方式... 所以我不太確定整個流程... 有人有用過 hotelclub嗎?還有~如果有的話,他們的房間會很爛嗎? 謝謝 ...明年一月要去....

我在London共住了三個地點,旅舍本身都很不錯! 價錢約17-18英磅/每人每晚. 前兩個地方是學生宿舍,所以9/15後就不能提供旅客住宿了. 最後一個地方是Ace Hotel http://www.hostelworld.com/availability.php/AceHotelKensington-London-10044 是一間非常漂亮and乾淨的旅舍,服務24hr,可提前寄行理,附近風景優美. 缺點是沒有廚房,不能自烹食物. 還有只能坐tube(公車只有兩種,其中一種通向市中心,但約20min才一班) 我訂的是6-bed mix,但可能是安排上的關係,結果被升級到6-bed mix-ensuite. (也就是付17磅住20磅的房間) 真的很不錯,我碰到的室友也說住過的Dorm中這最棒了! 如果您沒打算自烹食物and不會大半夜的要坐車(tube午夜沒經營),就可考慮囉! 我強烈推薦啦!

推薦一家訂房網站, http://www.venere.com/ 只要去歐洲我幾乎都是在這裡訂, 訂不到才會去Hostelworld.com 或是hotelclub.net 去找房 好處是: 1. 免付訂金, 可以立即線上Confirm, 所以也可以線上cancel reservations, 但cancel 的時間是有一些規則的, 大部分的飯店在1週前取消都不收任何費用, 有些甚至1天前取消都可以, 所以請閱讀清楚CANCELLATION POLICY 2.有豐富的Reviews 可以參考, 依我的經驗, 這些Review 都很有參考價值 3.可選擇的飯店種類繁多, 從1Star~5star, B&B, Apartments, Town House Suite.... 等等都有, 你可以依你的喜好選擇 4. 飯店的介紹很詳細, 也有圖片可看, 也可以依Location map選擇, 你可以很清楚了解你要住的地方在哪裡. 5. 價格實在, 我曾經比過同樣的飯店, 在hotelclub.net 硬是貴了30歐元

After I back Taiwan (9/27), I'll write more detail about these. All the hotels (different three hotels) are really very good.

How about your vacation and hotels reservation. Can you give me a suggestion. I also want to london from Nov. 11 to 15

我就原來order的網頁從頭再看了一遍,在這旅社的order介紹的最右下角,有一段文字寫著: http://www.hostelworld.com/availability.php/IforEvansHall-London-6113 =============================================== There is a minimum stay of 3 nights. Full payment is required at the latest 7 days before arrival - after booking you will be sent an e-mail with information on how to make the payment (online or by bank transfer). This accommodation is provided through Piccadilly Group. =============================================== 跟我收到的那封要90%餘額的e-mail的敘述是相符合的: 寄信來的信箱 Piccadilly Group <info@bookroom.co.uk> 內容: =============================================== FINAL PAYMENT As stated in the booking conditions full payment is required no later than (7 days before arrival). We accept payment by any of the following methods: 1. CREDIT OR UK DEBIT CARD: Use our online payment system at http://pay.studenz.com 2. BANK TRANSFER (please send us an e-mail if you pay by this method) Bank: NatWest, 141 Ebury Street, London SW1W 9QP Sort code: 60 07 29 Account number: 46019588 Account name: Piccadilly Group IBAN: GB77NWBK60072946019588 (for payments from Europe) BIC: NWBKGB2L (for payments from outside Europe) 3. PAYPAL: http://paypal.com - Account name: accounts@studenz.com 4. MONEYBOOKERS: http://www.moneybookers.com - Account name: accounts@studenz.com IMPORTANT: If we have not received payment by then we will debit the card you used to make the booking for the amount owed and confirm this by e-mail. =============================================== 所以應該ok啦! 而且我打算不依指示去繳$,這樣就會依最後一行寫的自動去我的信用卡扣$,如果能從我的信用卡扣到$,應該就代表它們真的有被授權吧! 謝謝大家的建議,我一開始真的被嚇到了,想說是被騙了說... :-|

我是在www.hotelclub.net訂的酒店 它在確認時會明確告訴你, 立即收的訂金是多少, 剩下多少是你在入住酒店時直接向酒店支付的, 所以非常的明白清楚, 看你這裡的回覆, 好像很不可靠的感覺, 因為應該沒聽說過會叫你把錢入銀行戶口的, 詐騙的感覺真的很大,我想,你要麼直接向那間旅舍查問一下, 看他們的手續到底是怎樣,現在不是每家都會有聯絡方法提供給客人的嗎, 而不同的網有不同的收費是不奇怪的.但不會相差太遠, 所以建議你還是選那些比較有信譽的網站訂保險點,給點手續費起碼保險吧. 祝好運.

我去年夏天在Frankfurt and Vienna,也是用www.hostelworld.com訂房的, 訂金是在booking時就收10%, 剩餘payment是在check in時再付清的, 不知道英國的hostel system 是否有所不同, 但是我覺得你可以先contact hostelworld center, 確定到底是不是詐騙? 以免損失更大!!!

:'( 我昨天才在Hostelworld.com上面訂了房間(網址如下) http://www.hostelworld.com/availability.php 今天收到e-mail說要求付除了訂金外的全額(訂金在當初網站booking時就收了10%),心中覺得很奇怪,想說會不會是類似拍賣網站的截標信那類的詐騙,所以就它們提供的付款方式的網站去google一下(下面是我收到的e-mail的部分內容) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = FINAL PAYMENT As stated in the booking conditions full payment is required no later than (7 days before arrival). We accept payment by any of the following methods: 1. CREDIT OR UK DEBIT CARD: Use our online payment system at http://pay.studenz.com 2. BANK TRANSFER (please send us an e-mail if you pay by this method) Bank: NatWest, 141 Ebury Street, London SW1W 9QP Sort code: 60 07 29 Account number: 46019588 Account name: Piccadilly Group IBAN: GB77NWBK60072946019588 (for payments from Europe) BIC: NWBKGB2L (for payments from outside Europe) 3. PAYPAL: http://paypal.com - Account name: accounts@studenz.com 4. MONEYBOOKERS: http://www.moneybookers.com - Account name: accounts@studenz.com IMPORTANT: If we have not received payment by then we will debit the card you used to make the booking for the amount owed and confirm this by e-mail. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 然後就找到了一個studenz.com的網站... 在我還沒深入研究究竟詐騙的可能性有多少時,就先發現了一件事...就是...我訂房訂貴了!!!!! 差價至少每天差4英磅! (碰到weekend差7英磅) 同一個學生宿舍ㄋㄟ! (網址如下) http://www.agent-key.com/reserve.php 點Ifor Evans Hall那進去看...... 明明就是完全一樣的地方說...... 我的天呀!!! 才一天就發現...真是大打擊! 不過,現在我必須要好好研究的是,我收到要我付剩下的90%餘額的到底是不是詐騙...(說不定便宜的價格是為了誘惑大眾一下訂更多天,然後損失更大~) :'( :'( :'(