前往 你要知道follow up是什麼意思,不然去外企的機會非常渺茫- 每
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您即將離開本站,並前往你要知道follow up是什麼意思,不然去外企的機會非常渺茫- 每 ...
I will follow upgoogle翻譯網頁Please kindly help to follow upPlease follow up accordinglygoogle翻譯拍照please follow up中文翻譯日文please help to follow up closely中文Keep following upPlease follow up on this matterfollow up用法翻譯英文Please help to follow upgoogle translate翻譯英文翻譯中文
- 1could you please follow up - TextRanch
Signup requiredIn order to post your question we need your email to notify you when the respons...
- 2please help to follow up closely的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文 ...
- 3職場英語:叫人跟進,用"follow"定"follow up"?|SME Lab 中小 ...
想同事跟進工作,應該用「follow」或「follow up」?正確答案是… 觀看下方影片就知道更多了! 【Come Know職場英語 (9) – 叫人跟進用”follow”定”follow...
- 4請幫助跟進,謝謝!的翻译:Please help to follow up, thank ...
- 5哪個選擇正確?(1)Please follow up on/... | Facebook
- 6超沒禮貌卻常誤用的5句英文,千萬別對老闆說出口
有一個在外商公司工作的學生說,他每次開完會都問老闆what's your problem,一直到離職前夕,老闆才告訴他,不要再問problem了。"What's your problem?"...