As such, never take your family members for granted. ... Love is of course commonly used to descr...
【其他】 describe a family apart from yours? jane3132001. 帖子10 | 注册2016-04-21. 发表于2017-02-19 23:35. 请...
The support, love and affection you get from your family is the best thing and I can't ask for......
and explain why your family is important to you. ... Besides, we have some other relatives who ar...
Describe a family that you like (not your own). Please say. How do you know this family? How much...
Emma has a family with 5 members- her parents, she, Jonathan who is 11 and Emma's sister Paula, w...
各位好: 想請問有關西雅圖 Tacoma 機場 (SEA) 的轉機問題,我預計在8/31...
大家好 第一次發帖 請多包涵 我通過travelgeinio購買了機票 但由於現在疫情嚴...
想請問因在travelgenio的訂票網站上購買全日空的機票 但全日空網站已顯示航班取消 ...
於Trip.com訂4月17日大阪〉桃園 疫情關係航班取消 Trip.com只來個Email...