我是美國文學系畢業的,最近四處旅遊,發現很旅客想增強他們的語文溝通能力。 我想稱著機會看看台灣旅客對英文寫作的需求。 我能免費幫你改50-250字的英文作文,或100字中翻英(英翻中不收)。或回答你的英文問題。 請把作品寄給:bdawson0403@gmail.com 48小時內回覆 請參考以下的演講翻譯: (原文) 在臺灣曾經流行這樣的笑話:如果你想讓一個人破產,你就叫他去拍電影。那是1980年代「臺灣新電影」的時期,很多人愛拍所謂藝術電影或很個人化的電影,完全不去考慮到票房或觀眾,所以大部份都不賺錢。賠錢就希望政府能救救他們。於是政府就選一些電影,買他們版稅,算是一點補貼吧。把它們縮印成16mm ,送到海外的大使館或代表處,給僑胞或留學生看。或是辦文化活動作為非營利放映,所以每個館處都有很多16mm影片和放映機的原因。 (翻譯) There was once a popular joke in Taiwan that went something like this, "If you want to bankrupt someone, tell him to go make a movie." It was in the 1980's, during Taiwan's New Films period, a time when people liked to make movies that were too artsy, personalized, and obscure. The film makers did not produce works comprehensible to a larger audience, and they did not take into account whether it would be financially successful at the box office. When they lost money, they hoped that the government would come save them. So the government chose a few movies, bought their copyright taxes as compensation, and compressed them into 16mm. They sent the films to foreign consulates or representative offices for Taiwanese Americans or students studying abroad to watch. Occasionally, they screened the films at non-commercial cultural events. That is why every consulate had many 15mm movies and projectors.