前往 【詢問】請問吉隆坡轉機及機場旅館- 自助旅行問答大全-2020

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根據亞航KLIA2 FAQ #35 http://www.airasia.com/ot/en/klia2/klia2-faq.page all AirAsia and AirAsia X counters will be opened for baggage drop three (3) hours before scheduled departure time, and will be closed one (1) hour before scheduled departure time effective 9 May 2014 onwards at klia2. 所以你隔天8:30AM的班機,恐怕沒辦法讓你在前一晚就託運行李。 KLIA2的旅館除了Sama-Sama Express 在管制區內,另一個是亞航的關係企業 Tune Hotel KLIA2 (http://www.tunehotels.com/my/en/our-hotels/klia2)就在KLIA2航廈隔壁而已,擔心晚上進不了管制區的話,那你可以選 Tune Hotel。 阿~我就是前幾天先看過你說的藍色那段文字. 後來看到旅館那段說明所以搞不懂怎麽回事.... 原本看地圖覺得Tune好像很遠. 需要等車到航站的話不曉得要耽擱多久. 你說就在隔壁. 又是關係企業. 我想搞不好有特別通道.....果然有耶. 走10分鐘通道直達KLIA2. 感謝!

根據亞航KLIA2 FAQ #35 http://www.airasia.com/ot/en/klia2/klia2-faq.page all AirAsia and AirAsia X counters will be opened for baggage drop three (3) hours before scheduled departure time, and will be closed one (1) hour before scheduled departure time effective 9 May 2014 onwards at klia2. 所以你隔天8:30AM的班機,恐怕沒辦法讓你在前一晚就託運行李。 KLIA2的旅館除了Sama-Sama Express 在管制區內,另一個是亞航的關係企業 Tune Hotel KLIA2 (http://www.tunehotels.com/my/en/our-hotels/klia2)就在KLIA2航廈隔壁而已,擔心晚上進不了管制區的話,那你可以選 Tune Hotel。

已訂好8/3 馬來西亞航空. 9:40PM 蘭卡威---10:45PM 吉隆坡(KLIA) 8/4 AirAsia 8:30 AM 吉隆坡(KLIA2) 起飛回台灣 中間有幾個小時時間. 想就近住機場內的旅館. 不過剛剛查了旅館. 才發現是有條件入住的. 其實看不太懂意思: Sama-Sama Express klia2 This hotel is only for guests on transit to another international flight. Guests are required to produce the boarding pass of their next flight upon check-in. Please do not clear immigration, as Sama-Sama Express KLIA2 is located within the satellite building of the Low Cost Carrier Terminal (KLIA2). Please be aware that the Low Cost Carrier Terminal (KLIA2) and KLIA are not connected. Your checked-in luggage cannot be retrieved if you stay in the transit hotel. Please note that hotel is only for international flight transit passenger. Guest with the connecting flight from KLIA or domestic are require to check in their luggage and present next flight boarding pass (international only) before allowed to enter Satellite Building KLIA 2. http://www.samasamaexpressklia2.com/default.aspx?pg=home Sama-Sama Express klia2說必須是國際線轉機的旅客. [請問] 那我們這樣符不符合條件. (我們是國內接國際. 而且是分開買的票) 另一家note比較短 Sama-Sama Express Hotel, KLIA This airside transit hotel is only for guests on transit to another flight. Guests are required to produce the boarding pass of their next flight upon check-in. Located in the satellite building of the KL International Airport, please do not clear immigrations if you have booked with Sama-Sama Express Hotel, KLIA. http://h10513.reservations-page.net/default.aspx?pg=home 兩家都說 do not clear immigration. 那這樣如果我是從KLIA到KLIA2 是怎麼過去? 如果有托運行李? 沒托運行李? 有人住過嗎? 這句更是搞不懂意思[Guest with the connecting flight from KLIA or domestic are require to check in their luggage and present next flight boarding pass (international only) before allowed to enter Satellite Building KLIA 2.]我從KLIA那棟去KLIA2之前要先Check in Luggage跟印登機證才能進入KLIA 2.....所以我是可以在前一夜10:45下飛機.(出關?)取行李. 再走到KLIA2 check in 行李. 在入關後去Check in Sama-Sama Express KLIA2的旅館? 我原本挑馬航從蘭卡威出來是因為比亞航最後一班早一個小時到達. 所以這樣表示KLIA2到那時候櫃檯還開著可以check in 第二天的行李嗎? 好像搞得很複雜. 不知道搭不同家飛機會牽涉出這麼多問題..... 我會試看看能不能不需要託運行李. (為了這點還花了兩星期在商店及網路遍尋輕巧的行李袋/箱. 等收到再裝看看) 若是不符合轉機不能住機場內旅館. 麻煩就比較大了. 我是可以在機場大廳整夜沒睡. 但是小孩子沒有辦法.