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發布時間: 2020-07-29
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補充說明一下,它指的是"abroad",未必是原生國,也包括現居住的澳洲甚至其他國家 在澳洲讀書多年的學生,(例如讀博士五年以上),要建立和澳洲緊密的連結並不難 最大的連結就是要回澳州完成博士學位,否則前功盡棄 這一類的申請者,要拿到美簽就相對的容易 原發問者像鬼打牆一樣,問個不停; 明明住台灣,在台灣辦美簽不過,想要到任何他會去旅遊的其他國家辦,這是絕對行不通的。 澳洲的簽證官一看就知道你和澳洲沒有強烈的關連,他無法判斷你和台灣有沒有關聯,因為他和台灣不熟。所以他無法相信你訪美之後有動機離開美國,所以就會直接拒絕你

還真是不死心阿,上一篇別人都已經跟你說拒簽率極高了! 以下是Q&A關於非澳洲人在澳洲申請美簽的問題。 順便幫你簡單解釋一下,不是同步翻譯 Q:Can I apply for a visa in Australia if I am not an Australian passport holder or a permanent resident here? 如果我不是澳洲居民或公民,我可以在澳申請簽證嗎? A:Yes, an applicant has the right to apply for a non-immigrant visa at any U.S. consulate abroad, therefore you can apply at any U.S. consulate in Australia. 可以的 All applicants between the ages of 14 and 79 (inclusive) must appear in person for an interview. Applicants younger than 14 or older than 79 who are neither citizens nor permanent residents of Australia are also required to appear in person. 14~79歲的人要親自辦理,因為要有一個面試 However, it may be harder to qualify for a visa when applying outside your own country of permanent residence. At your interview you will be required to demonstrate that you have strong ties abroad, and that you will return overseas after your visit to the U.S. If you choose to apply in Australia, keep in mind that your application may be refused, and the application fee is non-refundable. 如果你不是在自己國家辦但是比較難簽給你, 在面試中必須展示你與外國(應指所屬國)的高度聯繫關係(拜訪完美國會乖乖回去), 請注意,你在澳洲辦,簽證可能被拒,錢不退。 The most frequent basis for refusal concerns the requirement that the prospective visitor or student possess a residence abroad he/she has no intention of abandoning. Applicants prove the existence of such residence by demonstrating that they have ties abroad that would compel them to leave the U.S. at the end of the temporary stay. 它們拒不拒簽你的考量來自於你是否在這國家有一個不打算拋棄的固定住所, 簡單說就是要你展示/證明你與外國(應指所屬國)的高度連繫關係, 以證明你暫時停留美國後會乖乖回去。 (你都可能已經來澳1-2年,要如何證明與所屬國有高度連繫?) If you do apply in Australia, please bring documentation to your interview to establish that you: (在面談的時候請攜帶以下文件) 1.Have a residence abroad which you do not intend to abandon (有固定住所「應指所屬國」的文件) 2.Are coming to the U.S. for a definite temporary period (佐證你絕對只會短暫待在美國) 3.Will depart upon the conclusion of your visit (佐證你絕對會照計畫準時離開) 4.Have permission to enter a foreign country after your stay in the U.S. (在離開美國後,有進入其他國家的准證) 5.Have access to sufficient funds to cover the expenses of your visit and return passage (有足夠錢支撐你在美國的花費) A decision on the issuance of your visa will be made at the time of your application and is solely at the discretion of the interviewing officer. Once this decision has been made, there is no course of appeal other than to make a new application at a later date. 你的簽證會仔細且單獨的被跟你面試的官員審核,一但決定做出,就沒的拗了,除非辦新的 Individuals wanting to apply in Australia must schedule an appointment online at the VisaPoint website. You can also fill out and print out the visa application form on this site. 結論就是,回台灣辦吧,特別如果你是背包客的時候,這個拒簽率.........

http://sydney.usconsulate.gov/consular/visas/niv/ 這是美國駐雪梨大使館的 非移民簽證辦法 請有經驗的人幫我解釋一下步驟 假如人在雪梨 要辦美國觀光簽證 thanks