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發布時間: 2020-08-15
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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沒錯 以免以小失大

原本想訂伊斯坦堡到sofia 搜尋omega票價最低 不過看包友經驗 還是縮手訂別家

想想國外機票網 真要小心

請問有關訂購失敗但刷卡交易成功後續的處理方式嗎?我也碰到這個情況了,而且是用debit card,omega已經扣款,寫信給omega客服也沒反應。如有後續處理情況煩請告知,謝謝

本人未用過那網站的業務, 但在其他的網站遇過相似問題, 後來發現自己忘了用IE來作交易(有些網站只支援IE+java)

我剛訂了張單程票 付款方式可能要注意,我第一次隨變選VISA Debit也不行, 修改正確就收到Online Booking Acknowledgement

請問一下上述內容有解決嗎? 我也遇到類似問題,現在有點求助無緣,只能等待~~>< 有經驗的朋友分享一下吧~

如果不在忽貴一點點,但有台灣地區的服務與開票 您可以參考我們家新網站 169機票小站 169travel.com 台灣第一家即時有位含稅報價網站 可提供1.單點來回 2.不同點進出 3.多航點行程訂位 4.可國外出發

这个OMEGA TRAVEL 口碑不好呢~~ 我也正是准备下手订票,不过搜索过后,发现他们好多恶劣行径,不打算同他们订了。


打電話比較有效率吧,寫email可能要等個2~3 working days. 還有把網路訂票的頁面用print screen存起來,把銀行的轉帳紀錄也存起來 以備不時之需

有人用過 http://uk.omegatravel.net/ 廉價航空 訂票嗎?? 我昨天到今天總共訂了四次(巴黎~柏林) 他都會先傳一個 mail 讓我知道我有訂票 然後過一個小時又再傳 Dear Yu Chiaowei, Thank you for booking online with Omega Travel, and your booking reference with us is OE51A245 . It seems that there has been an error on our system and the reservation has failed to complete successfully. We believe you have received an acknowledgement rather than a final confirmation email and this is due to the flight/hotel availability and price having changed during your browsing and booking session. In this case, no money has been charged from your card, and we will cancel this reservation for you. You may please try to make a new booking online or contact us on 0844 493 8888 to find any suitable flight/hotel for you. 表示沒有訂到票 然後我到他的官方網頁回復 他也都遲遲未回信給我..... 超級無助的:((((( 我昨天在http://uk.omegatravel.net/ 網站訂機票,失敗了,但我去電詢問信用卡銀行,小姐說,交易有刷卡成功表示此筆交易成功(意思是這是我和omegatravel的事,與銀行無關),但omegatravel 回覆給我的信件卻是失敗的,我也發email和在網站上留言請他們幫忙刷退此筆交易,還沒有任何回覆,請問,還有其他刷退的辦法嗎? Your Omega Travel Declined [OE3D29A6] Inbox x Omega Travel info@omegatravel.net Online Booking Declined Unfortunately we have been unable to accept your booking. You can try booking again by performing another search or by contacting our sales team who will be more than happy to help.

有人用過 http://uk.omegatravel.net/ 廉價航空 訂票嗎?? 我昨天到今天總共訂了四次(巴黎~柏林) 他都會先傳一個 mail 讓我知道我有訂票 然後過一個小時又再傳 Dear Yu Chiaowei, Thank you for booking online with Omega Travel, and your booking reference with us is OE51A245 . It seems that there has been an error on our system and the reservation has failed to complete successfully. We believe you have received an acknowledgement rather than a final confirmation email and this is due to the flight/hotel availability and price having changed during your browsing and booking session. In this case, no money has been charged from your card, and we will cancel this reservation for you. You may please try to make a new booking online or contact us on 0844 493 8888 to find any suitable flight/hotel for you. 表示沒有訂到票 然後我到他的官方網頁回復 他也都遲遲未回信給我..... 超級無助的:(((((