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- 1Home - NOMURA
Nomura Holdings website. Group companies, news releases, services, CSR, IR, careers information. ...
- 2Nomura International PLC - Company Profile and News
Nomura International PLC provides financial services. The Company offers retail, investment and m...
- 3Nomura Securities - Wikipedia
It operates through five business divisions: retail (in Japan), global markets, investment bankin...
- 4Nomura Holdings - Wikipedia
In April 2009, the global headquarters for investment banking was moved out of Tokyo to London as...
- 5EMEA Offices | NOMURA
Nomura Bank International plc. Tel: (44 20) 7102 1000. Fax: (44 20) 7626 0851. Nomura Asset Manag...
- 6Nomura International (Hong Kong) Limited Taipei Branch
Nomura International (Hong Kong) Limited Taipei Branch. 防制洗錢及打擊資恐專區. (Anti-Money Laundering and C...