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謝謝CCPP的建議. 直接問飯店真的是一個好方法. 另, 我有發信給LATESTAYS問有關於取消規則, 回覆如下: Please be informed that cancellation policy is depended on hotel, promotion, period. To get more details, please advise hotel name and request date. 所以可提供要入住的飯店及日期, Latestay再查詢.

不好意思:-$, 藉這個版面來請教, 因為我正想要透過http://www.latestays.com/訂房網來訂泰國的飯店, 請問: 1. 會先預扣全部房價? 還是只收訂金或訂房收續費? 2. 若要取消, 需幾天前通知? 或被扣房費嗎? 麻煩各位了~ 如果你已選好飯店, 還是先去官網查一下價錢, 或是寫個E-MAIL去問一下, 我的經驗經常是飯店自己就可以提供不錯的價錢, 不但省了LATESTAYS 網站的BOOKING FEE, 直接跟飯店溝通也比較有保障

不好意思:-$, 藉這個版面來請教, 因為我正想要透過http://www.latestays.com/訂房網來訂泰國的飯店, 請問: 1. 會先預扣全部房價? 還是只收訂金或訂房收續費? 2. 若要取消, 需幾天前通知? 或被扣房費嗎? 麻煩各位了~

在我看是有一點問題: 飯店建議你在網上訂下連續的住宿,以免被迫付兩次booking fees. 在你寫信給他們以後, 他們做出如此建議, 而你也根據他們的建議在網上訂下連續的住宿. 依據第一張 voucher 看來, 你已經付了 829 的訂金加booking fees (你預付的錢不應該比這個多). 第二張則是修改後的 voucher, 而飯店沒有根據你的特殊情況對 voucher 對10% deposits 的部分加以修改. 所以, 我以為你有權力爭: 1. 你付了704, 而這 704 應該顯示在第二張修改過的voucher 2. 如果飯店堅持預付並cancel 的訂金不可領回, 你可以想他們抗議, 因為如果你上網將房間分開兩次來訂, 你只需要損失125, 但是聽信飯店的建議以後, 你反而損失176, 你可以堅持至少拿回之間的差價 51 希望回答對你有幫助

if you booked 2 times individually, the booking fee is baht 125 x 2 = Baht 250...but now you amended the booking, it is booking fee Baht125 + baht 176 (10% deposit of a room) = Baht 301, you have paid extra Baht 51. Actually, it maght say that the agent over-chagred you Baht 176 or Baht 51 (when comparing with 2 bookings). The agent should remind you that the deposit of 1 night ( June 25) cannot be refunded before the amendment so you won't make any change.

因為妳只刷一次卡, 不可能收妳兩次的定房服務費(booking fee)(實際上也不是) 這兩張是妳修正前後的receipt 由於房價差異 你多付的THB176的定金是不可退回 而不是修改手續費 他們當初是建議妳定連續三日 再去函修改 只不過你定了四天 所以多付了一天的定金 他們沒多收妳一毛錢

我在last minute這個網站訂房,但因為我要訂的是6/24和6/26-6/27,所以系統一直顯示「the booking date is gap,have to make reservation in two orders」(大致意思是這樣,也許文字有錯),後來我mail問他們這種情況我是不是要訂2次,那booking fee是不是也要付2次?他們回覆我說先訂6/24-6/27,然後再mail給他們修改就可以了。(以下是我的詢問和他們的回覆) Dear Joan Young, Regarding to your below email, we suggest you to booked 3 night consecutive then you send an email to us to amend booking period. You can make a new booking in link below. With Best regards, Prattana Jaruwattanachai (Ms) Customer Service Agent Asia Web Direct T: +66 26 519 515-18 F: +66 26 519 505 AsiaWebDirect.com - sign up for our free weekly newsletter at http://www.asiawebdirect.com/signup.htm ----- Original Message ----- From: To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 1:33 PM Subject: Need help to book with us Subject : Need help to book with us Country : Thailand / Bangkok Hotel : s2s boutique resort Guest Name : Joan Young Email : From page : http://www.latestays.com/ Questions : I wanna to make reservation online on 6/24 & 6/26-6/27,but it shows the date is gap,have to make reservation in two orders. That's mean I'll be charged booking fee in two times? Has any way could make in one order? 後來我就先下訂了,線上刷了10%的訂金和125的booking fee. 收到第一張voucher之後我馬上mail給他們要求修改入住日期及再發一次正確的voucher給我。 後來它們修改了也再發了一次mail和voucher給我 可是我一看到mail上的一行字就覺得不對勁 打開voucher一看果然被charge了2次booking fee. Dear Ms. Joan Young, Thank you for reply. We already cancelled 1 night on 25 June as per your requested. So, you will be stay only 3 nights as separate periods below: First period: 24-25 June (1 night) Second period: 26-28 June (2 nights) Please click below link for your revised voucher: Revised voucher: https://secure.latestays.com/voucher/lsindex.php?id=BB378E286CF60E86B0A2CC658A30CEE0 Remark: please note that only the different deposit 176 THB is non refundable instead of charge amendment fee. With Best Regards, Budsakorn Sappakittipakorn Customer Service Agent LateStays.com T: +66 26 519 515-18 F: +66 26 519 505 LateStays.com 我覺得最後的金額應該是5280-(704+125第一次付的10%訂金+booking fee)=4451 請問各位大大這樣是不是才對? 如果是的話我應該如何去爭取這$301的差額? 謝謝。