前往 必收藏!10間航空公司手提行李箱尺寸和重量總整理(捷星

發布時間: 2020-09-13
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往必收藏!10間航空公司手提行李箱尺寸和重量總整理(捷星 ...




請問虎航手提到底是7kg還是10kg 我記得我買票時是說7kg 昨天看togo雜誌 上面寫2件總共10kg 剛剛查 For Tigerair Singapore international (TR-prefix) flights, only 2 pieces of baggage is allowed to be carried on board provided that each item does not exceed the dimensions of 54cm X 38cm X 23cm and provided that it does not weigh more than 10 kg combined . Such baggage must fit under the seat in front of you or in an enclosed storage compartment in the cabin. Items determined by us to be of excessive weight or size or of an offensive nature will not be permitted on board. 的確寫兩件10kg 請問現在到底是幾kg? 謝謝 我今年才訂的機票,是10公斤沒錯. 電子機票上也有列出隨身行李的規定如下: Passengers travelling on TR-, TT-, DG-, and RI-designated flights are allowed 2 pieces of carry-on luggage provided that each item does not exceed the dimensions of 54cm X 38cm X 23cm, with a maximum combined weight of 10kg.

有些廉航 7kg 行李 及 3kg電腦包 有些廉航直接規定 行李加隨身包10kg內 總之,你的登機物品不超過10kg

我的理解是.. 手提行李1件7公斤(不限包,或登機箱,所以紙箱也可) 加上 電腦(側)背包1件, 可容許多3公斤 所以,你如果只有一件行李,那就限重7公斤, 你有兩件隨身行李,當然一件限重7公斤,另一件是要(裝電腦形式)的包,限重3公斤. 加起還必須 限重10公斤 以上,如有不對敬請指正~

一般廉航都是登機箱一個 ... 20" 左右不超過54cm X 38cm X 23cm , 7KG 再加上一個手提袋子 3KG 所以有些就寫 10KG

請問虎航手提到底是7kg還是10kg 我記得我買票時是說7kg 昨天看togo雜誌 上面寫2件總共10kg 剛剛查 For Tigerair Singapore international (TR-prefix) flights, only 2 pieces of baggage is allowed to be carried on board provided that each item does not exceed the dimensions of 54cm X 38cm X 23cm and provided that it does not weigh more than 10 kg combined . Such baggage must fit under the seat in front of you or in an enclosed storage compartment in the cabin. Items determined by us to be of excessive weight or size or of an offensive nature will not be permitted on board. 的確寫兩件10kg 請問現在到底是幾kg? 謝謝