前往 48-Hour Sale on PC Parts, Laptops, Audio & Electronics

發布時間: 2020-09-14
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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48 hour sale is now on till 24 july. pay to go and return for free*. fly to hong kong, krabi, kuala lumpur, phuket, taipei and many more great destinations! travel from 1 aug to 30 sept. book now at http://goo.gl/Gcrjb . http://goo.gl/Gcrjb 從新加坡出發才有, 例如: depart TR2996 (SIN to TPE) Thursday, 29 Aug 2013 dep: 12:00 - arr: 16:45 1 adult fare SGD131.00 security service charge SGD8.00 aviation levy SGD6.10 passenger service charge SGD19.90 SGD165.00 return TR2997 (TPE to SIN) Monday, 02 Sep 2013 dep: 18:05 - arr: 22:50 pricing 1 adult fare SGD0.00 airport service charge SGD12.60 來回 177.60*24=約 NT$4262。 有便宜到一些。 https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/q71/1013543_10151756105438728_1033681781_n.jpg