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推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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老實說,看到這種不合理的規定實在氣人,都還有充裕的時間為何不能退? 但業者也會有他的理由,我是特價促銷,你買了又不要,那我不是呆瓜...等等。 總之,特價的東西一定要多長個心眼,留意一下有無特別規定,免得自找麻煩!

要退的機會應該是0, 就上網看有沒有人在這時間要去的. 轉讓出去吧!

這沒辦法了。以後不要太早訂這種不能改的rate. 不過還有4個月。很多事情可能發生。也許公司飛航計劃又會再改。 現在很多機票訂房有賣取消保險萬一突然有事才不會損失太大。

5/20在booking.com訂購了9/19-30的Berjaya Eden Park London Hotel 的特價單人房沒特別注意到無法取消的規定 但是因為是商務行程所以飛航計畫在隔天公司做了改變 現在要跟booking.com取消 他們一開始說"可以:如下 Thank you for choosing Booking.com. We have forwarded your request to cancel your reservation #794.136.486 to the Berjaya Eden Park London Hotel, and have requested they allow you to cancel your non-refundable booking without penalty. We are waiting for their response and will update you as soon as we receive their reply. If the hotel agrees to waive the penalty fees for cancellation we will process your request and you will receive an updated confirmation showing the change. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions. 但後來他們卻又說"飯店方面"無法讓我取消:如下 We have received your request to cancel your reservation. Please note that the rate booked for this reservation is non-refundable. This means that your booking cannot be modified or cancelled without penalty. These conditions were detailed during the reservation process and also appear in your confirmation email. Please see below for the hotel’s policy regarding non-refundable reservations. ===== Please note, if cancelled, modified or in case of no-show, the total price of the reservation will be charged. The total price of the reservation will be charged on the day of booking and is non-refundable. ===== Despite these firm conditions, Booking.com has approached the hotel on your behalf to seek their approval to cancel your booking. We are sorry to advise you that the hotel has decided to adhere to the conditions of the reservation and we are unable to cancel without penalty. 現在我很兩難 一是無法如期到達倫敦 二是如果要罰全部金額我很難接受 難道都沒有變通轉圜的餘地嗎 離我預定的時間還有四個月 為什麼無法讓我變更 這讓我很困惑 不曉得板上的朋友有沒有好的意見 謝謝