前往 酷航台灣官網訂票評價行李尺寸限制/起飛前加購價格和注意

發布時間: 2020-09-11
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往酷航台灣官網訂票評價行李尺寸限制/起飛前加購價格和注意 ...




這裡是酷航官網的行李規定: http://www.flyscoot.com/index.php/en/need-help/faqs.html#Baggage 2.5 What's the minimum / maximum checked-in baggage allowance? Minimum 15KG, maximum 40KG. However, your baggage allowance will depend on what type of fare you have purchased. The highest allowance will apply. Fly fare or Fly-Promo fares do not include a complimentary baggage allowance, but you may purchase a minimum 15KG allowance and up to 40KG for an additional fee. FlyBag and FlyBagEat fares include a complimentary baggage allowance of up to 15KG. ScootBiz fare includes a complimentary baggage allowance of up to 20KG. 2.6 What are the maximum dimensions of my checked baggage? No individual piece of baggage must weigh more than 32KG (70 lbs) or exceed total linear dimensions (add together the depth, width and length) of 158cm 2.7 What happens if my carry-on baggage is too heavy or too large to take onboard? If your carry-on baggage is greater than the cabin baggage allowance and you try to bring it onboard, you will be advised at the gate that the bag is too large for the cabin and it will need to be treated as checked baggage. Your bag will be tagged at the gate and checked into the aircraft hold. On arrival your bag will be available for collection at our Baggage Services counter. Additional charges will be payable on collection of your bag(s); these fees will be at the applicable airport rates. 2.10 How much carry-on baggage can I take? Economy Fares All guests (adult and child) occupying their own seat are permitted to take up to 7KG of cabin baggage onboard. Carry-on baggage/ Cabin Baggage may consist of one (1) small bag or briefcase that does not exceed dimensions of 54cm x 38cm x 23cm (total linear dimensions 115cm). In addition to the carry-on baggage allowance, one of the following personal items may be carried in the cabin: A laptop computer, handbag, pocketbook or purse (of reasonable size). A pair of crutches or prosthetic device – for use, provided that the guest is dependent on them for mobility. ScootBiz All guests are permitted to take up to 15KG of cabin baggage onboard. Carry-on baggage/ Cabin Baggage may consist of two (2) pieces (e.g. small bag or briefcase) that do not exceed dimensions of 54cm x 38cm x 23cm (total linear dimensions 115cm) per piece.

我在5月初也要搭酷航到東京,不過我的行李沒有你那麼大. 我只有在網路上有看到別人提供的資訊如下: 目前大部份航空只要托運行李箱超過28吋即認定over size需另外付費 酷航官網沒提到尺寸 儘量勿超過28吋 我建議你直接打電話到酷航的服務專線,會有講中文的人接聽,服務態度還滿不錯的,你問什麼她都會回答. 先預祝你旅途愉快拉..回來有空分享一下酷航的心得,我好參考一下,3Q囉.
