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阿,我誤會了,不好意思 sorry^^

我也住過SAWADEE,二次都是透過ASIAROOM訂 因為在ASIAROOM訂房比直接在SAWADEE便宜一些 訂的過程都很平順,沒什麼問題囉 這篇在討論的是訂房網站Sawadee http://www.sawadee.com/ 你提到的SAWADEE 應該是指Sawasdee Hotels Group他們一系列的經濟住宿吧!? http://www.sawasdee-hotels.com/

我也住過SAWADEE,二次都是透過ASIAROOM訂 因為在ASIAROOM訂房比直接在SAWADEE便宜一些 訂的過程都很平順,沒什麼問題囉

sawadee跟asiarooms我都使用過很多次了 可能是因為我訂好房之後很少做變動吧 所以並沒有遇到過任何問題 唯一比較討厭的是asiarooms要取消訂房會被收取手續費 前面有人提到這類網站會賺取差價,但是我自己去比價過都是向飯店直接訂比較貴耶,還是可能是因為我沒有寫信去向飯店議價的關係?

個人的感想如下: 優點是, 利用這種類似的代訂服務網站, 很方便, 可以一下子找到很多旅館, 比價很方便. 缺點是, 這類網站會賺取一點差價. 直接跟旅館訂, 同樣的價格卻含早餐.

我也來分享一下sawadee的修改/取消訂驗 因為一直在舉棋不定行程,所以不停的騷擾sawadee (1)修改入住時間,sawadee很迅速的處理好,沒罰錢什麼的 (2)好奇詢問sawadee,如果取消訂房如何收費 回覆是建議把付款保留起來以後使用 如果要退回到信用卡,要收取一晚費用(距離到達日還有一個月..) (3)最後我要求取消原訂的A飯店,改訂B飯店 sawadee 不退差額,一樣可以保留 如果金額不足,則會再開一個刷卡連結 以上 ~ 我覺得取消訂房收取一晚費用不合理 其餘的服務還ok可以接受

各位, 時間上的掛列, 是 : 日期/月份/年份. 當初沒想到會在使用上會引起誤會, 真不好意思. 另外, 其他有使用過『Sawadee』訂房間的各位大大, 歡迎發表經驗或意見. 這次要去華欣也是利用『Sawadee』訂房 的確很快回覆~~ 而且因為示威事件寫信詢問訂房事宜 回答也很快~~但沒有明確答案是有些傷腦筋~~*-)

各位, 時間上的掛列, 是 : 日期/月份/年份. 當初沒想到會在使用上會引起誤會, 真不好意思. 另外, 其他有使用過『Sawadee』訂房間的各位大大, 歡迎發表經驗或意見.

哇,,,這訂房網太超過了吧,,, 三月8日訂的房,一小時內要付錢, 一個月後4月8日才會收到回覆, 再一個月後5月8日才得到認可編號 再一個月後6月8日才得到確認 倒地中,,,,,, 你看錯了啦 分別是8月3日、8月4日、8月5日、8月6日

哇,,,這訂房網太超過了吧,,, 三月8日訂的房,一小時內要付錢, 一個月後4月8日才會收到回覆, 再一個月後5月8日才得到認可編號 再一個月後6月8日才得到確認 倒地中,,,,,, 咦 ~ 好怪 我10月份在sawadee上訂了3晚的飯店(citichic) 拆成2筆刷卡 (每次各刷50%) 但是確認得很快,幾乎在一小時以內就確定了 之後我還改時間,信件往返數次也是都回覆得很快 你要不要寫信去問一下,為什麼要那麼久? 我看了一下,當初的mail窗口帳號是 [email protected]

哇,,,這訂房網太超過了吧,,, 三月8日訂的房,一小時內要付錢, 一個月後4月8日才會收到回覆, 再一個月後5月8日才得到認可編號 再一個月後6月8日才得到確認 倒地中,,,,,,

小弟就是在這家吃過一次虧 旅館並沒有保留預定的房型 一開始沒老實說 去反應後 雖然有換房 但是還有幾間房等級較預定的低 櫃檯跟我們說已經告知網站 會退我錢到信用卡帳戶 (才幾百銖) 但是通通沒有下文 寫e-mail去問 也沒回音 或許因為那家旅館不是大型酒店吧 品管跟服務比較差吧 我是第一次用這家來訂房的. 其實有朋友提議,還是利用其他大型之網路代理比較好.(幸運地今次沒有遇到不愉快事件) 或者是利用網友們曾光顧後,有正面評價之網路代理較好.

小弟就是在這家吃過一次虧 旅館並沒有保留預定的房型 一開始沒老實說 去反應後 雖然有換房 但是還有幾間房等級較預定的低 櫃檯跟我們說已經告知網站 會退我錢到信用卡帳戶 (才幾百銖) 但是通通沒有下文 寫e-mail去問 也沒回音 或許因為那家旅館不是大型酒店吧 品管跟服務比較差吧

今次是第一次利用網路代理訂房, 把我的經驗分享一下 : 我於3/8/08 利用Sawadee訂房. 當你確認訂房後, 會在數分鐘內收到第1封回復電郵如下 : 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Sawadee.com online reservation database - 03.08.2008 RESERVATION/ENQUIRY#: 808xxxx.0xxx Navalai River Resort http://www.sawadee.com/hotel/bangkok/navalai/ This email is generated by autoresponder. No need to reply. Your message/inquiry was transmitted successfully, If you do not receive an answer within 48 hours, please let us know, so that we can try to help (reply to this message). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT A CONFIRMATION OF YOUR BOOKING ENQUIRY ! You will be contacted by the reservation desk soon ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for using the R24 reservation system. 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 接下去, 在一小時內, 會再收到第二封回復電郵, 是要你利用信用卡預付訂房費用的 : 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Dear 姓名, Thank you very much for your reservation request at Navalai River Resort. We are pleased to provide 2 x Serene Corner (Deluxe Side River View) for this period required, which will cost 1,xxx baht/night include breakfast & tax & service charge. Kindly if you agree to proceed this booking, please confirm and secure the room as soon as possible. In order to secure your booking, please go to the below link and make a deposit payment via our online payment system at the below secure link Yours Sincerely, Bing Reservation Officer. + YOUR RESERVATION NUMBER....: 808xxxx.0xxx + Confirm your request........: 2 room, 2 nights + Price per room/night..........: 1,xxx THAI BAHT + Total amount of booking....: 6,xxx THAI BAHT 1 $HK = 4.17 THAI BAHT ***** 6,xxx THAI BAHT = 1xxx $HK (exchange rates are estimates and subject to change) Terms of payment: 1.Deposit 3,xxx THAI BAHT until 06.08.08 to secure the booking. 2.Payment 3,xxx THAI BAHT on 17.09.08 (應是入住日期前十四天) To guarantee/secure your booking please pay deposit online at http://www.sawadee.com/pay.php?REF=808xxxx.0xxx We accept Visa, Master, Amex and bank transfers. (The credit card and cardholder must be present upon check-in) Deposit must be arranged until 06.08.08 or reservation is released. If not cancelled earlier, 2.Payment required on 17.09.08. Online payment and confirmation centre at http://www.sawadee.com/payment/ Refund and cancellation policy. The deposit secures the reservation and is non-refundable. If cancelled before 17.09.08 (by email or Fax), no 2.payment is required. 2.Payment must be arranged before 17.09.08, or the reservation can be released. 2.Payment is also non-refundable. You will receive an eVoucher after final payment. Arriving at hotel hotel without a valid payment, neither guarantee room availibility nor room rates. 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 接下去, 在4/8/08, 會再收到第三封回復電郵, 確認已收到第1次之付款 : 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Dear姓名, Thank you for using the payment gateway. The Tracking Number for your payment is 808xxxx.0xxx [51xxxx]. -What You Can Expect Your payment has been submitted and is being processed. What exactly does that mean? Your credit card has NOT YET been charged, but will be submitted to the bank credit card processor shortly. Depending on the result, you will either receive an email stating that your order has been approved or that it has been declined. In either case you will be receiving another email from us. -What to do if you don't hear anything from us If you do not receive another email from us within 48 hours, there may be a problem with your order. In that case, contact us by reply to this email. -How Will The Transaction Be Completed ? Your payment is currently being processed. Once your Credit Card has been authorized a notification will be send to you. If you have any questions about the payment/product, please contact us at [email protected] The charge, if successful, will appear as WEB SAWADEE on your next credit card statement. Again, Thank You for your order. Web Sawadee Payment System Amount entered by VISA is 3xxx THB by card xxxx – 99xx IP-stamp: 5x.1xx.1xx.1xx - Hong Kong 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 接下去, 在5/8/08, 會再收到第四封回復電郵, 通知你信用卡之認可編號 : 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 RECEIPT / Web Sawadee Plc. / 05.08.08 / 62xxxx-51xxxx Dear 姓名, This is to confirm, that the amount of 3xxx THB has been charged successfully to your credit card, VISA xxxx-99xx exp. 0x/11 The charge will appear as 'WEB SAWADEE' on your next credit card statement. Approval: 02xxxx For service: bangkok-navalai 808xxxx.0xxx Issued electronically. Valid without signature. Web Sawadee Plc, 888/124 Ploenchit rd, Bangkok 10330. CC: Web Sawadee Plc CC: Hotel, bangkok-navalai The bank will convert the amount into your local currency, based on Interbank credit card rates. The approx. amount is 7xxHKD (If your local currency is not HKD, then please ignore this calculation) 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 接下去, 在6/8/08, 會再收到第五封回復電郵, 是付款確認信 : 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Dear姓名, PAYMENT CONFIRMATION / RECEIPT 1.Deposit 3,xxx THAI BAHT - PAID 05.08.08 2.Payment 3,xxx THAI BAHT before 17.09.08 (OPEN). Deposit and Payment are non-refundable. If cancelled before 17.09.08 (by email or Fax), no 2.Payment due. you can check the payment/confirmation status of your booking online any time at http://www.sawadee.com/payment/ ========== CONFIRMATION CODE [MQCFPX] ======== Reservationnumber : 80xxxx.0xxx Number of persons : 4 Arriving date....: 日前 Departure date....: 日前 Flight details....: NA Number and category of rooms: 2 x THB 1xxx / Serene Corner (Deluxe Side River View) * Double bed and non-smoking room on request * ========== RESERVATION NUMBER 8080312.0712 ========== Hotel......: Navalai River Resort, 45/1 Phra Athit Road Tracking: http://www.sawadee.com/payment/ Website :http://www.sawadee.com/bangkok/navalai/ 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 於16/9/08 利用第二封回復電郵內之連結, 便可繳付餘費. 之後會在數分鐘內收到第1封回復電郵如下 : 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Dear 姓名, Thank you for using the payment gateway. The Tracking Number for your payment is 808xxxx.0xxx [52xxxx]. -What You Can Expect Your payment has been submitted and is being processed. What exactly does that mean? Your credit card has NOT YET been charged, but will be submitted to the bank credit card processor shortly. Depending on the result, you will either receive an email stating that your order has been approved or that it has been declined. In either case you will be receiving another email from us. -What to do if you don't hear anything from us If you do not receive another email from us within 48 hours, there may be a problem with your order. In that case, contact us by reply to this email. -How Will The Transaction Be Completed ? Your payment is currently being processed. Once your Credit Card has been authorized a notification will be send to you. If you have any questions about the payment/product, please contact us at [email protected] The charge, if successful, will appear as WEB SAWADEE on your next credit card statement. Again, Thank You for your order. Web Sawadee Payment System Amount entered by VISA is 3xxx THB by card xxxx – 99xx IP-stamp: 2xx.7x.8x.4x - Hong Kong 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 接下去, 在一小時內, 會再收到第二封回復電郵, 確認已收到第2次之付款: 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 RECEIPT / Web Sawadee Plc. / 16.09.08 / 62xxxx-52xxxx Dear姓名, This is to confirm, that the amount of 3xxx THB has been charged successfully to your credit card, VISA xxxx-99xx exp. 0x/11 The charge will appear as 'WEB SAWADEE' on your next credit card statement. Approval: 09xxxx For service: bangkok-navalai 808xxxx.0xxx Issued electronically. Valid without signature. Web Sawadee Plc, 888/124 Ploenchit rd, Bangkok 10330. CC: Web Sawadee Plc CC: Hotel, bangkok-navalai The bank will convert the amount into your local currency, based on Interbank credit card rates. The approx. amount is 7xxHKD (If your local currency is not HKD,then please ignore this calculation) 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 接下去, 在同一小時內, 會再收到第三封回復電郵, 是電子收款收據. 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Dear 姓名, This is the eVoucher for your reference. Please present your passport upon check-in. In case of any problems, please contact Reservations, +66 (0)-2674-5555 or 081-SAWADEE ========== EXCHANGE VOUCHER 808xxxx.0xxx issued 16.09.08 === Issued to: 姓名 For Hotel: Navalai River Resort 45/1 Phra Athit Road Phranakorn, Bangkok 10200 Tel. 02 280 9955 Issued by: Web Sawadee Plc. 888/124 Ploenchit Rd., Mahatun Plaza Bldg. 12.Fl. Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 This is to certify that the holder of this voucher will be grant as following requirement. Please provide service on room with breakfast only and kindly charge to Web Sawadee Plc. Name.....: 姓名 Address..: Hong Kong Address..: Hong Kong Country..: Hong Kong Persons..: 4 Check-in.: 日前 Check-out: 日前 Number and category of rooms: 2 x THB 1xxx / Serene Corner (Deluxe Side River View) * Double bed and non-smoking room on request * 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 在出發前, 記緊列印電子收款收據, 連同其他証件放在一起. 以方便飯店要核對資料時用. (Y)