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如果您的馬紹爾護照是合法取得且有效 台中的孫士德先生可以協助解決您遇到的問題 他是馬紹爾僑民協會(籌備中)的會長 可以協助擁有馬紹爾護照的公民合法取得需要的相關證明 手機:0933-455804 email: suning.steven@msa.hinet.net

Thanks for every one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

買的馬紹爾護照不能夠享有永久居住於美國的權利 http://www.doi.gov/oia/compact/RMICompact.pdf 第43頁 (4) a naturalized citizen of the Federated States of Micronesia who was an actual resident there for not less than five years after attaining such naturalization and who satisfied these requirements as of April 30, 2003, who continues to be an actual resident and holds a certificate of actual residence, and whose name is included in a list furnished by the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia to the Government of the United States no later than the effective date of the Compact, as amended, in form and content acceptable to the Government of the United States, provided, that the Government of the United States is satisfied that such naturalized citizen meets the requirement of subsection (b) of section 104 of Public Law 99–239 as it was in effect on the day prior to the effective date of this Compact, as amended; or 你要的是這一張證明 https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/album.php?albumid=3834&pictureid=36650 不過再往下看... (c) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, no person who has been or is granted citizenship in the Federated States of Micronesia, or has been or is issued a Federated States of Micronesia passport pursuant to any investment, passport sale, or similar program has been or shall be eligible for admission to the United States under the Compact or the Compact, as amended. 我想你必須要透過其他方式了 PS. 以上的Compact 密克羅尼西亞聯邦跟馬紹爾是簽一樣的 移民部份是sec. 141 , 自己看一看就知道了你的情況下沒辦法幫到你


好慘... 看來只能去問美國國務院了 (該不會已問過?) 祝你順利


要不然就問一下馬紹爾駐台大使館好了 http://www.mofa.gov.tw/webapp/ct.asp?xItem=11139&ctNode=902&mp=1



你們好: 冒昧打攪,因家人在美國,學生簽證2次不過,於1996年買了馬紹爾護照,ID,安全號.[已換照兩次],沒想到簽證第3次過了,來美國靠父親申請綠卡,等了多年父親於去年去世,移民局把我case close,現已成黑戶.夠慘吧!想要用馬紹爾護照,查說需要5年證明.才能來美國,請問如何申請 ,需要什麼文件?請幫幫忙,感激不盡! gbm888