前往 2020英國倫敦住宿推薦|安全區域、10間平價高CP飯店民宿清單

發布時間: 2020-09-26
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往2020英國倫敦住宿推薦|安全區域、10間平價高CP飯店民宿清單 ...




Vancouver http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/metrotown-familyhotel/gallery

If your budget is limited and you don't want to waste too much time on transferring, hostels in downtown or close to the station might be better for you. Google it!

http://tw.f5.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/show/qanda?aID=e25851475&u=&.r=1111247911 I'd lived there for a week last month. safe, clean, nice, cheap Thank you for your suggestion. Actually I've already been L.A two times and this time just for transit purpose. The location of Hacienda Heights seems too far for me ( about 30min by car). Do you have any recommendations of a clean and convienent hostels in L.A? [/I]

我想一個人去美加搭火車賞風景37天. 我想除了勇氣和高度警覺性之外,事前準備功夫也要足. 單身女性出門感到最頭痛的就是找住宿. 怕鬼怕髒又怕治安不好,所以地點要方便近市區及火車站,還要安全及乾淨. 我的行程安排如下: New York City Montreal Quebec Ottawa Toronto Niagara falls Jasper Banff Vancouver Seattle Los Angeles Chicago New York City 拜託各位推薦一下合適的住宿. 感激!!! http://tw.f5.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/show/qanda?aID=e25851475&u=&.r=1111247911 I'd lived there for a week last month. safe, clean, nice, cheap

我想一個人去美加搭火車賞風景37天. 我想除了勇氣和高度警覺性之外,事前準備功夫也要足. 單身女性出門感到最頭痛的就是找住宿. 怕鬼怕髒又怕治安不好,所以地點要方便近市區及火車站,還要安全及乾淨. 我的行程安排如下: New York City Montreal Quebec Ottawa Toronto Niagara falls Jasper Banff Vancouver Seattle Los Angeles Chicago New York City 拜託各位推薦一下合適的住宿. 感激!!!