前往 出入境須知 - Guam 關
發布時間: 2020-12-28推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
您即將離開本站,並前往出入境須知 - Guam 關島觀光局
- 1關島免簽證攜帶相關文件資訊
- 2簽證及入境須知- 駐關島台北經濟文化辦事處Taipei Economic ...
- 3出入境須知 - Guam 關島觀光局
請點擊此處獲取關於關島新冠肺炎疫情的最新消息…關島屬於美國領土,移民由美國聯邦政府管轄,海關由關島政府管轄。 進入關島的兩種免簽證方式:免簽證計劃 VWP 和 關島免簽證計劃 CNMI V...
- 4Visa Waiver Program | U.S. Embassy in the Republic of the ...
The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) allows citizens of participating countries* to travel to the Unit...
- 5Visa Waiver Program and Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program
Official website of the Department of Homeland SecurityThe Visa Waiver Program (VWP under IN...
- 6Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program | Homeland Security
Official website of the Department of Homeland SecurityOn January 16, 2009 U.S. Customs and ...