前往 廉航&傳統航空最新退票/改票規定(2020/02~2020/06期間,台灣

發布時間: 2020-07-22
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往廉航&傳統航空最新退票/改票規定(2020/02~2020/06期間,台灣 ...




原來如此,謝謝nspig (https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/member.php?u=168702)大大的詳細翻譯,感謝不盡~

他就是給你三個方案 第一) 七天內的班機可以選.也就是可以往前往後移時間 第二)變成代購金(六個月內要用完) 但有120%(會比原本的多一點) 第三)扣除必要費用後退款到原本付款方式 例如原本使用信用卡 就退回信用卡款內 不管你選任何一個 就是打電話去客服吧

剛剛收到酷航的英文E-mail,原本預定5/12下午兩點多出發,要去新加坡,但酷航改為5/13深夜12點多出發,我不想在半夜搭機,打算取消,經過翻譯好像有說若不接受的話,可以退款,只是本人的英文程度很差,擔心會誤解,所以想問問如果取消,可以完全退款嗎?謝謝大家~ 轉貼如下: Rebook, at no additional charge, to another Taipei – Singapore flight operating within seven daysof the original flight; or Rebook, at no additional charge, to another Singapore – Taipei flight operating within seven daysof the original flight; or Receive refund of the affected sector to a transferable Scoot travel voucher at 120% of itinerary cost (excluding any amounts for third party products and services) that can be used towards future travel booked within six months from the date of issue; or Subject to a reasonable administration fee, refund of the affected sector to the original mode of payment, excluding any amounts for third party products and services.