前往 Cebu Pacific購票一堆問題#1 -

發布時間: 2020-08-10
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往Cebu Pacific購票一堆問題#1 - 背包客棧




气死了,宿务没有结算我卡里的钱,我又冒险重新上网订了同样的航班,tnnd,结果还是发给我两遍 Thank you! We received your booking request and it’s currently on “Pending” Status. This means that your credit card is currently being reviewed in accordance with the airline’s policy on credit card payments. Please do not attempt to rebook as this will result to a duplicate booking and double payment which will be subject to cancellation fees. Your reference number is Z8WYHW.You may recheck the status of your booking in approximately 1 (one) hour. Should the status still show “Pending,” please contact our Call Center(+63 27020888) for assistance. 而且我又被冻结了一笔钱。这什么破系统啊?

我有两张订票不成功,最后一步booking以后,收到instant邮件让等一个小时,一个小时以后来信说还是pending,让打电话,说重复预订会double charge,打电话给马尼拉,说因为深夜订票系统自动取消,让重订。 期间信用卡款项已经被冻结,问银行,说必须商户取消交易才能解冻,自动解冻大约需要20天。问cebu,说他们已经和visa联系取消交易。再问银行,银行说visa信息反馈回来也最少15天。 cebu网页上有个view booking status的功能,尝试数日,终于可以查到结果,左边有改票改航班等按钮,下方有个按钮叫finalize,按下这个,instant收到信,说让等一个小时,窃喜,谁知道一个小时以后甚至一天过后仍没反馈。 我打算等20天解冻以后再重订,因为同时预订的另外一个cebu航班已经扣款,不成功的两个航班仍旧占款。 cebu的是我试过最差的订票系统,远不如asia和jet,tiger,除非你有精力天天的打电话给银行和航空公司,哭。 另外请问: 网上又说cebu航班超额订票,cebu的国际航班也会超售么?太没有职业道德了吧?