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http://www.ch-aviation.com/portal/news/49694-airasia-x-seeks-partner-for-european-feeder-flights 昨天的報導。根據AirAsia X CEO的說法,回歸歐洲應該很肯定是2018年的事。他也重申了飛BCN只是系統的測試而已。

謝謝你詳細的說明 事情的來龍去脈發展一清二楚 好奇的是 這張照片是亞航發布的嗎? 沒看過亞航有在自己官網或任何相關社群網站發布那個圖,而且如果亞航真的有發布過這圖,這麼大的消息卻沒甚麼人在網路上傳播轉載,那也是很奇怪。 那泰國網站並沒有說照片原始來源。透過翻譯器的翻譯,好像是說IKEA的掛帶有AirAsia X要開Barcelona。但翻譯器通常翻的不是很好,所以這實際意思是怎樣我不清楚。是說照片是掛帶上的圖,還是說亞航有在裏面放什麼傳單,或是這網站的美工讀到消息後自己弄出來的,這只能猜,或懂泰文的人去問那網站圖片來源了。 如果這圖真的是亞航在IKEA裡面放的,那也許代表「測試」這只是還不想說的藉口而已。但是事隔兩個多星期了,連執行長這麼高階的管理人都還在強調倫敦是回歐洲的第一點,絕口不提巴塞隆納,這似乎也不像是只剩兩個多月內即將開航的航線該做的事。像亞航2009年三月開航倫敦,2008年的7月就蠻斬釘截鐵對外宣布了 (https://www.businesstraveller.com/news/2008/07/29/air-asia-to-go-ahead-with-london-malaysia-launch/)。

謝謝你詳細的說明 事情的來龍去脈發展一清二楚 好奇的是 這張照片是亞航發布的嗎?

照片來源:http://www.elvxing.net/thread-203538-1-1.html 照片真正的原始來源是 https://www.facebook.com/ArPaeDotCom/photos/a.296564603781290.57032.296293617141722/894742900630121/?type=3&theater ar-pae.com 是一個泰國的旅遊網站。他們發表這圖片剛好也是8/10那天。而根據他寫的內容(我用Google翻譯),時刻表的消息來源一樣來自routeonline的消息 (http://www.routesonline.com/news/38/airlineroute/268351/airasia-x-returns-to-europe-from-oct-2016/)。至於這圖片,從翻譯裏面來看似乎是說在IKEA店裏看到的。 這個中國的論壇昨天才發現這個算是後知後覺了。 所以現在的發展順序大概就是: 8/10 1. 有這泰國網站在IKEA店看到。 2. routesonline 在OAG裏有發現時刻表,亞航的route map也出現這兩點。 3. CAPA的分析師和亞航詢問,亞航說這只是GDS系統測試。 8/13或14左右 4. 亞航把這兩點從route map拿掉。 8/22 5. 亞航執行長Ben Ismail 說London是重回歐洲的第一個點。 幾乎所有有關Barcelona航線的消息都是根據8/10出來的新聞轉報。亞航至今沒有官方公告過。 當然也有可能亞航目前仍有什麼困難,所以禁口不講。去年亞航在思考如何重回歐洲時,中停伊斯坦堡的方案是有考慮過。只是今年土國的旅遊業被恐怖事件重創,連他們自己的廉航Pegasus Air都從前一年的獲利變成虧損,亞航這時候如果真的要飛伊斯坦堡那也是挺奇怪的。 總之亞航到底在演哪齣就繼續等囉。


以上那篇8/10分析報導也是提到了: News of AirAsia X’s plan was revealed on Routesonline by our Airlineroute schedule blog on the morning of August 10, 2016 when the carrier’s website inventory was updated with details of the new route. However, reservations have not yet been opened for the route. The airline has subsequently claimed that the upload of the flights was simply to test the GDS. 這裡一篇更新(8/22)的報導: (倫敦是回到歐洲的第一點,預計2018) http://www.airlineratings.com/news.php?s&id=767 AirAsia X: London will be first Clive Dorman, Consumer Editor 22 Aug 2016 AirAsia X and Scoot square off on Europe Asia's biggest long-haul low-cost carrier AirAsia X says it will return to London in 2018, following its Singapore competitor Scoot's decision this week to launch its first European services in 2017. Scoot will fly from Singapore to Athens four times a week from June 2017 with its launch offers marking the return of ultra-cheap fares on the world's longest air route between Australia and Europe. Scoot's offer of a one-way seat from east coast Australia to Athens for $A419 are similar to the $A800 return fares from Sydney and Melbourne to London and Paris when AirAsia X last flew there before services were terminated in 2012 – roughly halving existing fares in those markets. AirAsia X chief executive Ben Ismail is waiting on the delivery of the first of 66 new ultra-long-haul Airbus A330-900 neo (new engine option) jetliners from 2018 before announcing details of European services, but told AirlineRatings.com London will be the first destination. Only the airport remains to be decided: AirAsia X last flew to London Gatwick airport south of the city before launching its first flights to Stansted airport, north of London. "For us, it's all about the airport deal," Ismail says. "If we can find a very attractive airport deal with good takeoff and landing slots, we'll go for that. "We're confident we can stimulate any airport that we go into so (in London) it may be Stansted, it may be Gatwick or, if I'm the luckiest person in the world, Heathrow would be great." Ismail says AirAsia founder and chief executive Tony Fernandes "has done very well in the past trying to find routes that are very sexy where everyone dreams to go". "Last time, Paris was filling up, London was filling up – they were the two places people wanted to go," Ismail says. "The only issue in the past was the cost of operations was very high. Even though the yields (average fares) and the loads were very good, it was still not enough to break even. With the new aircraft, I'm quite confident we can make some sort of money." Ismail says that, in the long term, the airline will look at other Euro destinations, such as Rome and Frankfurt. The AirAsia X chief also says the group won't shut down its Indonesian subsidiary, which this year axed its four weekly A330 flights from Melbourne and Sydney to Bali because of heavy losses. The flights will end on September 1 and there appears little chance they will be restarted in the near future. Though Indonesia AirAsia X has separate ownership from its short-haul cousin, Indonesia AirAsia, it has faced serious regulatory problems with the Indonesian Government since the short-haul affiliate crashed an Airbus A320 in December 2014, killing all 162 people aboard. "We're trying to look at the business entirely – how it's going to fit into the whole vision," Ismail says of Indonesia AirAsia X, which now has just one route – from Jakarta to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, launched in December 2015. "We're reviewing it with regulators there to see how we can move forward. It's still going to exist but whether it's going to fall within one company or two, we don't know yet."

Low-cost, long-haul specialist, AirAsia X, is set to introduce a daily link between Kuala Lumpur and Istanbul and Barcelona from the final quarter of this year as it continues its recent network expansion with growth into new areas of the world. This will be the airline’s only flight into Europe: the route, which is scheduled to commence from October 30, 2016, has been given the ‘001/002’ flight number to illustrate this. News of AirAsia X’s plan was revealed on Routesonline by our Airlineroute schedule blog on the morning of August 10, 2016 when the carrier’s website inventory was updated with details of the new route. However, reservations have not yet been opened for the route. The airline has subsequently claimed that the upload of the flights was simply to test the GDS. Despite making its retreat from the European market back in 2012 due to high fuel costs, airport taxes and weak demand, it has been AirAsia X’s ambition to return to the Continent with more fuel efficient twin engine equipment once market conditions improved. AirAsia X previously operated flights linking Kuala Lumpur with both Paris and London; the latter being the anticipated first destination for the airline’s return into the Continent. In fact, AirAsia’s founder has regularly spoken of his intention to return the regular link to the UK capital during industry interviews and on social media posts. It is therefore rather a surprise that AirAsia X seems to have selected the Kuala Lumpur – Istanbul – Barcelona market for its return to Europe, especially given the depressed status of the Istanbul market this year as a result of political unrest in the country. Also, Barcelona is not the strongest of current O&D markets in and out of Malaysia. However, when AirAsia X first launched flights to London (initially to Stansted Airport from March 2009 and then Gatwick Airport from October 2011) its arrival in the UK resulted in passenger traffic to and from Malaysia increasing by around a third as its low fares stimulating the market and it will hope to see similar returns on this new route. But, its business model is more than just point-to-point traffic as its wider network and that of its AirAsia affiliates allows considerable penetration across Asia and into Australasia. This opens up considerable low-cost connection opportunities to and from Barcelona and Istanbul - these may not be as attractive to those already available via the likes of Emirates Airlines, Etihad Airways, Turkish Airlines, Qatar Airways and European and Asian flag carriers, but could sway the price sensitive consumer. AirAsia X first launched flights to London in March 2009 with a link to Stansted Airport (it latter switched the route to Gatwick Airport in October 2011) and flights to Paris Orly commenced in February 2011. However, in early January 2012 the carrier revealed its intention to close the route from the start of April 2012 due to soaring taxes and higher jet fuel prices. According to AirAsia X the routes to London and Paris had been really popular recording load factors of over 80 per cent, but yields had not been sufficient enough to support the routes with attempts to increase fares simply resulting in a fall in demand due to the price elasticity of low-cost travel. “The confluence of macro-factors, including high fuel prices, depressed European economy and exorbitant taxes have made it economically impossible to sustain these flights,” said the airline at the time. The Kuala Lumpur – Istanbul non-stop market is currently served on a twice daily basis by Turkish Airlines and until August 2015 had also been part of the Malaysia Airlines. Turkish Airlines utilises an Airbus A330-300 on its flights, the same aircraft being used AirAsia X, although the new entrant’s equipment will be configured in a denser arrangement seating around 377 passengers versus the 289 seat offer from its competitor, boosting city pair capacity by around two thirds. Demand data from AirVision Market Intelligence from Sabre Airline Solutions shows an O&D market of an estimated 35,000 two-way passengers during the first six months of this year, approximately 95 passengers per day each way (PPDEW). This is down slightly on the same period last year with demand down 5.4 percent. But, this route is also about the strong network offering that AirAsia can provide via its Kuala Lumpur International Airport, a market to and from Istanbul that grows to over 500 PPDEW when you consider the wider Southeast Asia (426) and Australasia (81) markets. The Kuala Lumpur – Barcelona O&D market is much smaller at around 10,000 two-way passengers during the first six months of this year, approximately 28 passengers per day each way (PPDEW). This market is currently dominated by Emirates Airline via its Dubai International Airport base (39.7 percent share) and Qatar Airways via its Hamad International Airport hub in Doha (21.7 percent). The demand between Barcelona and wider Southeast Asia and Australasia market is similar to Istanbul at 475 PPDEW, according to the data. Emirates transported 141 PPDEW from Barcelona into destinations in these regions during the first half of 2016, while Singapore Airlines and Qatar Airways have a strong presence into both markets and Qantas into the Australasia market. Quote from website,http://www.routesonline.com/news/29/breaking-news/268356/airasia-x-returns-to-europe-in-surprise-network-expansion/?utm_source=content_and_community&utm_medium=social_media&utm_campaign=the-hub


後來證實亞航只是在測試GDS系統而已,並沒有真的要開KUL-IST-BCN。它的Route Map現在也拿掉了這兩點。 發出這個消息的這位Will Horton 是Center of Aviation 的分析師,所以我相信他是有跟亞航確認才twitter這消息。 1890421 另外根據亞航商務長(Head of Commercial) Arik De 8/8接受Center of Aviation的訪問,提到亞航亞航不排除先用中停一點的方式從吉隆坡到歐洲,但還是比較傾向直飛。從吉隆坡直飛,要等到2018年他的A330neo機交機以後。另外一個執飛歐洲的可能是由Thai AirAsia X 飛往莫斯科。 http://www.centreforaviation.tv/ceo-update/airasia-x-update-2/ 總之以上解釋了為什麼亞航為什麼會靜悄悄完全沒在預告宣傳KUL-IST-BCN,商務長的訪問根本沒提,因為這只是在系統測試而已。

D7001 KUL1000-IST1500-IST1630-BCN1920 330D D7002 BCN2050-IST0120+1-IST0250-KUL1930 330D https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=607242109457837&id=146573152191404&__tn__=%2As The scheduled daily service is from OCT 30,subject to change.