前往 平時愛看A片大二男性騷擾3女被羈押又查出襲臀女學生| 情慾

發布時間: 2020-09-03
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Ugh!!! 可惜你們没給他來個耳光。這種人別跟他客氣。一感到他手在你身上,馬上大生尖叫"don't touch me!" 同時一個耳光就過去。不過你們可能一下來不及react. 別的遊客呢?要是給我看到他騷擾你們,我也要阻止他。

很同情妳們的遭遇,有沒有抓下可靠的證據? 據理告它! 我一向不愛代為宣傳和做廣告,但看了妳們的遭遇, 我要挺出來講 在美加要參加華人旅行團 要找台灣人開的: 加加,雄獅,SafeWay, 有時你會覺得同樣的日數,行程 會比較貴,但都很實在, 例如:有住城堡飯店的就會住真的城堡,而不是一個名字只叫"城堡"的蓋著看起來沒氣派,蓋的看起來 很cheaper 的飯店。 新聯華旅行社,那不是台灣人開的旅行社! 台灣人開的旅行社的領隊很愛惜羽毛,都希望客人再回來指定他們再帶團, 絕對沒有專找年輕女子吃豆腐的那種那麼賤的害群之馬,那麼沒教養的東西!!

請各位看到的好心人士幫忙轉貼!! 這實在是太可惡了!! 兩個台灣女大學生去加拿大本來開開心心的,結果卻被導遊性騷擾!! 為了防止任何人再遇到這種傷害!!! 請大家幫忙轉貼給別人知道!!感激不盡!!! 想去加拿大旅遊的朋友,特別是女孩子,請注意一個叫做Alex邱的導遊,千萬不要參加他的團。 我跟朋友兩人參加了新聯華旅行社的深度精選-洛磯山脈/班芙四天遊, 在2011/9/10~9/13這四天的團中,我跟朋友是單獨參加的年輕女孩(21.22歲), 邱導遊一開始對我們特別照顧,找我們聊天,後來漸漸地得寸進尺, 會藉故摟著我們的肩膀、捏我們的腰,還用低俗的笑話調侃我們; 甚至在最後一天回程的路上,我們最後上巴士,導遊還直接摸我的屁股, 還說"摸摸屁股、摸摸胸部,又沒甚麼大不了,誰叫妳走得慢" 這種行為真的十分令人感到噁心!! 幸好後來打電話到新聯華旅行社,負責處理人事的曾二姊保證會處理這件事, 但我們還是把這件事講出來,希望避免類似的情況發生,讓大家都能開開心心的出門旅遊,不要給自己帶來任何不快或遺憾,。 邱姓導遊年約50歲,體型微胖,台灣口音;除了對女性的騷擾,該導遊專業素養方面也有所缺失。 在9/10晚上,旅館人員打電話給導遊,說夜空上出現了北極光,可請團員們一同觀賞,但導遊自己抽完菸就回房睡覺,直到第二天才向大家"炫耀",令大家失落萬分。 若大家要參加旅行團,請千萬要注意Alex Chiou 邱導遊!! Last week (9/10/11-9/13/11), I went travel with my friend to the Canada's Rocky Mountain 4 days 3 nights tour offered by the Lotus (Chinese travel agent) group in Vencouver/Richmond. As two twenty years old asian travelers, she and I were the youngest among the travel group. Our tour guide, Alex Chiou, was an around 40-50 year old mid-age and chubby Taiwanese man who emphasized his marriage and family A LOT in front of us. But during the trip, he did not just tell low, dirty, and inappropriate jokes in front of us, he also overly lay his arms on our shoulders, disgustingly put his hands on our waist, moreover, he touch/push my friend's butt at the last day of the trip. Alex Chiou is very unprofessional on his actions towards us and, indeed, towards his own profession. While we called in, he even emphasizing that he did not remember us (or could not recall who we are) while we can clearly point out his marriage and his career status (because he's been talking to us during the trip…A LOT). In addition to his inappropriate actions, he is also LACKING RESPONSIBILITIES toward his profession. On the first night, he saw the Northern Light/Aurora while he was alone in his room (by noticed from the hotel) but he did NOT make any notice about the northern light to us, travelers, until the next day. Please, DO NOT hire Alex Chiou as your tour guide. Clearly he offended us by SEXUAL HARASSING us and lied to my friend and I, while he also lied towards his own company. Although Lotus Traveling group did make adjustment as soon as possible, we still want to tell everyone what happened to us. For your own good, DO NOT hire this person as the tour guide. Thank you for reading this message.