前往 Email的詢問、回覆該怎麼寫? - Winning+ 國際人才
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您即將離開本站,並前往Email的詢問、回覆該怎麼寫? - Winning+ 國際人才培訓平台
確認收到款項英文well noted意味確認信英文received with thanks中文確認後回覆英文well received意思收到通知英文well noted意思received with thanks意味收到了英文Received with thanksWell noted with thanks確認是否收到信英文收到了解英文收到的英文
- 1英文email最常犯的錯誤:回信說well received,老外只會疑惑 ...
(O)This is to acknowledge receipt of your email. (確認已收到您的郵件。) (O)We have already received your re...
- 2【專業能力】收到國外客戶寄來的e-mail,想表達「收到了」該 ...
確認已收到您的郵件。 This is to acknowledge receipt ... 可不可以用well noted? 1 2. NEXT: 懂穿搭更要懂英文!12種穿搭風格的英文懶人包 ...
- 35 個常用英文書信回覆短語- VoiceTube - 工商時報
我包裹的運送發生了延誤。 5. This is to acknowledge receipt of your email. 確認已收到您的來信。 如果收到信件後,想 ... ...
- 4英文email最常犯的錯誤:回信說well received,老外只會疑惑 ...
(O)This is to acknowledge receipt of your email. (確認已收到您的郵件。) (O)We have already received your re...
- 5表示收到對方信的確認和了解@ nothing but english :: 痞客邦::
表示收到對方信的確認和了解Okay, I understand it now. Acknowledged. (收到信; 承認~) I will follow your instructions....
- 6英文信件常用詞彙@ 天使的咖啡屋:: 痞客邦::
由於最近很常寫英文信,因此整理一些常用詞彙,簡單來說...這篇寫給我 ... 做確認:. 我很高興確認/證實(我收到你的信件)~I am pleased to confirm that + 子句...