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整理自PADI的潛水大百科 希望對出國學潛水的棧友有幫助 == 身體 waist腰 buttock屁股 眼球構造 cornea角膜 Vitreous Humor玻璃狀液 Sclera鞏膜 耳朵 Ossicles三小聽骨 vestibular canals前庭 tympanic membrane耳膜 perilymph 臉部 frontal sinus額竇 ethmoid sinus篩竇 maxillary sinus上頷竇 sphenoid sinus蝶竇 呼吸系統 epiglottis會厭 tidal volumn=>正常呼/吸的量 vital capacity=>肺活量:正常吸氣後,其實用力吸還可以吸一點進肺部 residual volumn=>肺餘氣量:用力吐氣後,也吐不掉的 normoxic=>normal oxygen - PO2 .21bar/ata mediastinum 循環系統 atrium心房 ventricle新室 erythrocyte紅血球 inferior vena cava下腔靜脈 diastolic pressure舒張壓 systolic pressure收縮壓 心血管疾病 atherosclerosis動脈硬化 生理現象 hypercapnia(hypercarbia)血碳酸過多症 hypocapnia apnea呼吸暫停 tachycardia心跳過速 bradycardia心搏徐緩 arrhythmia心律不整 peripheral vasoconstrication cerebral vasodilatation hypercapnia skip breathing吐氣前暫時憋氣 hypoxia缺氧 anoxia組織缺氧 Paul Bert effect Lorrain Smith effect twitching抽動 irritability易怒、興奮 dizziness(vertigo)暈眩 hyperoxic seizure euphoric anesthetic effect visual and auditory hallucination幻覺 giddiness暈眩 paranoia妄想症 anticholinergic effect神經訊號傳導阻斷效應 High-Pressure Nervous Syndrome(HPNS) heat exhaustion heat stroke otitis externa(swimmer’s ear) exostoses thoracic squeeze(lung squeeze) hemorrhage出血 lung edema肺出血 pneumothrax氣胸 pneumomediastinum(mediastinal emphysema) arterial gas embolism(AGE) 急救技術 mouth-to-mouth resuscitation人工呼吸 tympanoplasty耳膜修補術 潛水技術 Repex(Repetitive Exposure) Air breaks-switching to air or another low-oxygen gas to reduce the PO2 for several minutes. Valsalva maneuver Frenzel maneuver 疾病 epilepsy癲癇 hay fever枯草熱、花粉病 otolaryngologist耳鼻喉科醫師 barotitis(ears) barosinusitis(sinuses) 潛水理論 Martini’s Law Meyer-Overton Hypothesis 藥物 Nitrous oxide一氧化氮 sedative drug鎮靜劑 Valium一種鎮靜劑 tranquilizer鎮靜劑 barbiturate巴比妥酸鹽 Marezine Contac Lomotil