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發布時間: 2021-09-30推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
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- 1全球入境計劃| 美國在台協會
此外,所有台灣籍的全球入境會員都必須持有一本有效護照、以及ESTA電子旅行許可或 ... 簽證, 非移民簽證 | 標籤: 全球入境計畫(Global Entry program). ...
- 2Global Entry - Fast entry into the United States - US Visa Service
A Global Entry application with the most common U.S. visas is possible (e.g. B-1 Business Visa or...
- 3Schnelle USA Einreise mit dem CBP Global Entry Program
Global Entry ist ein Registrierungsprogramm der Vereinigten Staaten für vertrauenswürdige USA-Rei...
- 4Electronic System for Travel Authorization - CBP
ESTA is an automated system that determines the eligibility of visitors to travel to the United S...
- 5Visa Waiver Program | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
FLYING TO CANADA? National Flag of Canada ENTRY RULES HAVE CHANGED. Canada has introduced a new e...
- 6Global Entry Program | Entry to the USA without waiting time
Do I need a visa or ESTA despite Global Entry? ...