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發布時間: 2020-08-02
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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Yes, I have been happy with HSBC(taipei,taiwan branch) till now. They start to charge NT$300.- for each transaction (ATM money withdraw) from 2009. Before, it was only NT$75 in 2008. I think it is a total rip off. I am sure the exchange rate is always not good from ATM machine already and now they increase the fee from NT$75 to NT$300.???!!! I am thinking about changing my bank. any other suggestion, plsssss? (F) Maybe you can consider Taiwan Bank.

我覺得很多地方都可以看到 HSBC, 特別是英國殖民過的地方. Yes, I have been happy with HSBC(taipei,taiwan branch) till now. They start to charge NT$300.- for each transaction (ATM money withdraw) from 2009. Before, it was only NT$75 in 2008. I think it is a total rip off. I am sure the exchange rate is always not good from ATM machine already and now they increase the fee from NT$75 to NT$300.???!!! I am thinking about changing my bank. any other suggestion, plsssss?

I am from Malaysia too....me also facing same problem as you.... I have been went to China....but because of that problem....i had to bring cash..... It is too dangerous sometime.... if you are traveling in china for long time, i will suggest that to open an account in china post office! YOU are able to withdraw you $$$  in whole china

旅游时,因为不想带旅行支票or带现金在身上,请问什么银行最方便使用ATM提款? 此外,用ATM在国外提款,有抽利息吗? 此问题烦恼了好久了?兑换外币的亏损,让我气爆了头! (ip) 在國外時只要找到跟提款卡背後一樣標誌的提款機 (最常見的是 Maestro 、 Cirrus 'VISA和 plus等 ),大部分都可以直接提領當地現鈔。 http://zh-yue.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8F%90%E6%AC%BE%E6%A9%9F 這種方式就像跨行提款一樣會收取一筆手續費 (一般在70~100元台幣左右,可恰各銀行詢問),所以建議一次提領足夠金額,匯率則視每家銀行也會稍有不同。 好處是不需帶著大筆現金在身上 在操作時大都有提供英文介面。

其實只要你的提款卡有國外跨行提款的功能.. 不論在哪一家ATM 的提款機,只要有看到某個圖案的話,都可以提款.. 提款只要付手續費,而匯款則是以該家的銀行計算方計算.. 基本上每家的規定不一樣..請直接問銀行比較快.. 我不清楚您是哪裡人.. 但以台灣的規定..要國外提款若是後來開戶的..都要先跟銀行確認開啟國外提款功能.. 而國外提款跟在國內跨行提款一樣..一筆只能二萬..不得超出..所以在領的時候最好換算一下匯率,免得領不出來..而手續費當時領的時候一筆只要70元台幣..匯率是一定比刷卡來得划算..

我覺得很多地方都可以看到 HSBC, 特別是英國殖民過的地方.

I am from Malaysia too....me also facing same problem as you.... I have been went to China....but because of that problem....i had to bring cash..... It is too dangerous sometime....

旅游时,因为不想带旅行支票or带现金在身上,请问什么银行最方便使用ATM提款? 此外,用ATM在国外提款,有抽利息吗? 此问题烦恼了好久了?兑换外币的亏损,让我气爆了头!