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New york Language CenterLSI Bostonnew york english academyLanguage studies international LSI TorontoELS New YorkLSI language schoolLsi san diegoLanguage school USALSI onlineLanguage schoolesl new yorklal new yorkNew York Language CenterManhattan language
- 1Language Studies International, New York (LSI) - ApplyESL.com
LSI, New York provides students with the opportunity to live in an off-campus residence or enjoy ...
- 2LSI - Language Studies International, New York, USA
Located in a newly renovated Renaissance Revival building designed by the architects who created ...
- 3LSI | International Education Since 1965
LSI operates 16 schools in 7 Countries teaching English, French & German as a foreign language, u...
- 4紐約分校/ Language Studies International, New York (LSI ...
LSI紐約分校位於紐約市曼哈頓下城的金融中心,在市政府各大樓及華爾街附近。短短的十幾分鍾步行就可以到達色彩斑斕的中國城、飄著咖啡香氣的小意大利、和充滿藝術氣色的 ... ...
- 5LSI New York - 前瞻留學遊學中心
LSI紐約分部座落於蘇活區紐約大都會大學(MCNY)的曼哈頓校區,緊鄰金融區,可以說在這個最現代化城市的最核心地區。LSI-New York內的設施包括一流的圖書館,紐約遊學生 ... ...
- 6Learn English in New York | English language courses | LSI
LSI New York is one of the designated ESL programmes for students taking classes at MCNY, which m...