前往 預定用三倍券!7/15飯店訂單飆拚0元住宿|三立新聞台

發布時間: 2020-09-22
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往預定用三倍券!7/15飯店訂單飆拚0元住宿|三立新聞台 ...




我準備要去新加坡看F1,所以用HOTELTIMES預訂了一間青年旅店, 但今天收到一封來自那間青年旅店的MAIL 說調整費率,內容如下 合理嗎?? 但不定,現在也訂不到什麼住宿的地方了= = "We are writing to inform you of the revision of rates for your booking below during September 2008. The Hostel has revised the rates for period of 25th September – 28 September. As such, you would be required to top up a balance of: $252.55 nett We will be picking you up from the airport as goodwill. Please provide us with your flight number. Kindly acknowledge this as we will be charging the TOTAL COST: $620 nett to your credit card, as we require full payment upon confirmation for bookings during F1 season. There will be no refunds for cancellations. Kindly advise us if you would like us to proceed with your booking within 48 hours. Should we not receive any confirmation from you, we will release the room. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions. Have a Good Day.