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發布時間: 2021-09-22推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
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- 1Work in New Zealand | Immigration New Zealand
Find out what working in New Zealand is like and how New Zealanders approach work. You can also e...
- 2Working holiday scheme - New Zealand Ministry of Foreign ...
United Kingdom citizens aged between 18 and 30 can apply for a 12 or 23-month Working Holiday Vis...
- 3Public holidays and anniversary dates - Govt.nz
Some councils move the holiday date depending on when Easter, Labour Day or other regional events...
- 4Working Holidays Scheme - Bureau of Consular Affairs ...
1Working Holiday (Luxembourg)2021-04-01; 2Notes for Working Holiday Visa Holders2020-08-17; 3Flow...
- 5Working in NZ if you're aged 18 to 35
Working holiday visas are available to people from lots of different countries. They're mainly fo...
- 6Working Holiday Visa FAQ | 100% Pure New Zealand
The Working Holiday visa is a multiple-entry visa. That means your Working Holiday visa is activa...