前往 Foreign residents with expiring ARCs to receive automatic 30
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您即將離開本站,並前往Foreign residents with expiring ARCs to receive automatic 30 ...
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- 1Foreign residents with expiring ARCs to receive automatic 30 ...
According to the immigration agency, the automatic extension will be ... Meanwhile, foreign natio...
- 2Taiwan grants visa extension to foreigners stranded by COVID
Automatic visa extension to stay in effect until 30 days after COVID alert lowered to Level 2 ......
- 3How Can Travelers Obtain Taiwan Visa Extension? - iVisa.com
Taiwan decided to temporarily ban the Taiwan Visa extension for foreign travelers. This was neces...
- 4Additional automatic 30-day visa extension announced for ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Given the continued severity of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, the Natio...
- 5Entry restrictions for foreigners to Taiwan - Bureau of Consular ...
Third automatic 30-day extension for foreigners entering Taiwan on or before March 21 with visa w...
- 6News & Events - Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of ...
2021-07-20, MOFA announces one-year extension of trial visa-free entry from ... R.O.C. (Taiwan) o...