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- 1I'd like a student 'go card'. How do I get one? - AskQUT
You can apply for 'student concession' public transport fares via the TransLink website. Informat...
- 2Why was my student Go Card tertiary concession application ...
Why was my student Go Card tertiary concession application declined? Updated 23/08/2020 01.42 PM....
- 3〔澳洲留學生〕昆士蘭州Translink-Go Card學生票規定公告 ...
「Posted by Amber」 大家熟悉的布里斯本悠遊卡Go Card將在7/1實施新規定,若你是全職學生,並就讀於大學、TAFE或技職學校(語言學校 ... ...
- 4How do I apply for a student transport concession? - AskQUT
QUT students can apply for a concession for travel on the TransLink public ... You can register y...
- 5Can I get a concession go card? - Student Central
To confirm if you are eligible for a concession go card, visit TransLink ... and therefore studen...
- 6Why was my student go card declined? - Support - my.UQ ...
Why was my student go card declined? · TransLink checks information against mySI-net. · Make sure...